LESSON 11 PHYSICAL SECURITY Prepared by: Camo, Christian Leo O. BS Criminology LEA 2
Physical Security Planning General Considerations: The integration of properly utilized controls can make a significant contribution to the improvement of protection while at the same time reducing cost. A single physical control can never be relied to give complete protection but must be combined with other counter-measures.
Physical Controls -Discourage undetermined intruders. -Offers psychological deterrents. -Delay determined intruders. -Provide security in depth. -Only one element in a complete plan.
Physical control example includes: -fences and other barriers -locks -windows and door bars -electronic alarms -protective lighting -safes -vaults and signs
A survey shows that legal deterrence are ineffective while mechanical or physical control method are effective. Physical controls are usually designated to influence the movement, activities or on duct of people, employees of all classes, customers, visitors and outsiders such as vulgar, robbers, spies, etc.
Two basic considerations in the planning of physical security are sight selection and location of facilities on the site.
Factors Affecting Security Planning Factors affecting selection of a site: -Neighborhood or the facilities adjoining the site. -Availability of local government assistance to include the other services such as utilities. -Possibility of environmentally caused problems such as storms, floods, earthquakes, windstorms, etc.
Factors affecting location on the site: -Access points are kept to the minimum. -Group of buildings can be treated as a single utility. -Parking and traffic control. -Shipping and receiving areas. -Location of utilities. -Type of work being done. -Location of organization units for determination of controlled areas.
Security in-depth means the planning of a series of controls so that each will delay an intruder as much as possible. An outer protective ring can be established at the facility property line, a middle ring at the exterior of the buildings and inner rings in the interior of the building.
Physical controls at the property line may consist of fencing and other barriers, protective lighting, signs and alarms. Physical controls of the middle protective ring, at the exterior of the buildings on the site may consist of protective lighting, alarms, locks, bars on doors and windows, signs and barriers like walls or fence.
Penetration of the roof is always possible. Physical controls should prevent entrance of intruders through skylights, elevator, penthouse, ventilating ducts, etc. A variety of locations underneath are vulnerable to penetration like manholes sewers, etc. Vents on the side of the walls should be secured.
Physical controls at the inner protective rings may consists of window and door bars, locks, barriers, signs, alarms, protective lighting, safe, vaults, segregated areas and rooms. The cost of any proposed physical control should always be compared with protection required for the items to be safe-guarded.