SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA COS Pipeline PDR File Structure Overview Charles D. (Tony) Keyes 7 December 2000
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 2 of 13 COS Data Format 2-d data: FITS files containing imsets consisting of science and data quality images (unlike STIS, no error array) 1-d data and TIME-TAG lists: FITS tables containing fluxes, wavelengths, errors, quality, positions, and other related quantities May explore compression for reduced dataset volume Data from each FUV detector segment stored as separate imset series within a single file – All associated data (e.g., wavecals, FP-SPLIT components, REPEATOBS components, STIMs) use separate files (unlike STIS)
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 3 of 13 Data File Naming Conventions Product Suffix Type Contents Uncalibrated _raw image Raw counts image _rtg table Raw TIME-TAG event list _asn table Association file _trl table Trailer file (input) _lrc image Local rate check image [TBD] _lsp text LRC support file (header) [TBD] _jit table _jif image _pha table Pulse-height (FUV ACCUM only) _rs1 image Stim-pulse 1 (FUV ACCUM only) _rs2 image Stim-pulse 2 (FUV ACCUM only)
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 4 of 13 Data File Naming Conventions (continued) Product Suffix Type Contents Calibrated _ctg table Calibrated TIME-TAG event list _flt image Flat-fielded, corrected counts _fls image Summed flat-fielded corrected-counts _x1d table 1-D extracted spectra _x1s table Summed (combined) 1-D extracted spectra) _cs1 image Corrected stim-pulse 1 (FUV ACCUM only) _cs2 image Corrected stim-pulse 2 (FUV ACCUM only) _trl table Trailer file (output) _spt image Support file (header) Wavecal exposures produce same calibrated files as science, except there may be no flux calibration applied to the _x1* files (TBD). Dark and flat exposures produce no _x1* files. Acquisition exposures produce no calibrated products.
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 5 of 13 COS Observational Quantity Definitions x = raw detector x-position (I*2) y = raw detector y-position (I*2) t = time of photon detection (R*4) ph = pulse-height (I*1) xcorr = corrected detector x-position (R*4) ycorr = corrected detector y-position (R*4) EPS = photon list sensitivity-parameter (R*4) obsC = observed counts (R*4) C = corrected counts (R*4) q = data quality (I*1) lambda = wavelength (R*4) F = calibrated flux (F-lambda) (R*4) G = gross extracted counts (R*4) N = net extracted counts (R*4) B = background extracted counts (R*4) S = sensitivity function (R*4)
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 6 of 13 File Contents: Observational Quantities _rtg: contains x,y,t,ph (no ph for NUV) – – FUV: 9 bytes/event; NUV: 8 bytes/event _ctg: contains xcorr,ycorr,t,ph,EPS,q,lambda (no ph for NUV) – – FUV: 22 bytes/event; NUV: 21 bytes/event _raw: contains obsC – – FUV: 32 Mbyte/file; NUV: 4 Mbyte/file _flt: contains C,q (in each imset) – – TIME-TAG: FUV: 160 Mbyte/file; NUV: 5 Mbyte/file – – ACCUM: FUV: 40 Mbyte/file; NUV: 5 Mbyte/file _fls: same as _flt “_obs”: contains obsC (in each imset) [size same as _raw] _x1d: contains F,lambda,G,N,B,S,q (in each imset) – – FUV: ~1 Mbyte/file; NUV: ~0.08 Mbyte/file _x1s: same as _x1d _rs1: contains obsC (same for _rs2) _cs1: contains C (same for _cs2)
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 7 of 13
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 8 of 13 Time-Tag Data File Structure
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 9 of 13 ACCUM / FPsplit = no Data File Structure
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 10 of 13 ACCUM / FPsplit = yes or REPEATOBS=N Data File Structure
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 11 of 13 File Naming TIME-TAG “FP-SPLIT=NO" exposure: Wavecal exposure science exposure (401s) (402s) association file: 4010_asn wavecal exposure files: 401s_rtg 401s_ctg 401s_flt 401s_x1d science exposure files:402s_rtg 402s_ctg 402s_flt association science product file:4010_x1d
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 12 of 13 File Naming TIME-TAG FP-SPLIT=YES exposure: Wavecal exposure science exposure (401s) (402s) science exposure science exposure (403s) (404s) science exposure (405s) association file: 4010_asn wavecal exposure files: 401s_rtg 401s_ctg 401s_flt 401s_x1d science exposure 1 files: 402s_rtg 402s_ctg 402s_flt 402s_x1d science exposure 2 files: 403s_rtg 403s_ctg 403s_flt 403s_x1d science exposure 3 files: 404s_rtg 404s_ctg 404s_flt 404s_x1d science exposure 4 files: 405s_rtg 405s_ctg 405s_flt 405s_x1d association science product file: 4010_x1d
COS PIPELINE PDR Tony Keyes December 7, 2000COS File Structure Overview Space Telescope Science Institute 13 of 13 COS Typical File Sizes