GGF12 -Brussels draft-ggf-ghpn-opticalnets-2 Proposal for a New Draft n Grid Optical Burst Switched Networks (GOBS) n A realistic optical transport technology for the near future n Optical burst switching n Separation of the control and data planes n Brings together the complimentary strengths of optics and electronics n Allows for fine-grain multiplexing of data over a single lambda n Offers transport for a wide variety of Grid applications with user/application-initiated light path setup n Direct match of application requirements (large or medium size jobs) n Can enable network to offer fine granularity bandwidth services n Efficient : “optimal” routing decision per job n Possible near bufferless operation n Deflection routing, inexpensive wavelength conversion, increasing number of channels per fiber, small FDLs
GGF12 -Brussels draft-ggf-ghpn-opticalnets-2 Proposed Outline for a New ghpn Draft n Next generation optical Grids i.e. not only for escience, data intensive users n The fundamental premise of OBS for Grid applications n A dynamic photonic network for the large and the smaller user n Grid-OBS (GOBS) network elements n Technology requirements n Switch architecture & control n Control plane and signalling considerations n Protocols for end-to-end user/application initiated OBS connections n i.e. Just-In-Time (JIT) control and signalling protocol n Interoperation with existing controls i.e. GMPLS
GGF12 -Brussels draft-ggf-ghpn-opticalnets-2 Proposed Outline for a New ghpn Draft n Definition of Grid services for optical burst switching n Interaction with Grid middleware n SLAs in the OBS networks n QoS provisioning n Application layer consideration n Physical layer considerations n Addressing blocking n Advanced network concepts and solutions n i.e. programmable, active, self organised GOBS n Security
GGF12 -Brussels draft-ggf-ghpn-opticalnets-2 Contributors n Groups already expressed interest to contribute n University of Gent: Dr Bart Dhoedt, Prof. Piet Demeester n Osaka University: Prof. Ken-ichi Kitayama n Tokyo University: Prof. Tomonori Aoyama n BUPT (Beijing university of Posts and Telecommunications): Prof. Jian Wu n University of Lancaster: Prof. David Hutchinson, Stephen Eccles n Athens Information Technology Centre: Prof. I Tomkos, Prof. A. Tzanakaki n MCNC institute: Dr Gigi Karmus Edwards n Permission is required by ghpn Open for contributions Express interest to: