Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 1 KANETA, Masashi for the PHENIX Collaboration RIKEN-BNL.


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Presentation transcript:

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 1 KANETA, Masashi for the PHENIX Collaboration RIKEN-BNL Research Center  0 and Photon v 2 Study in  s NN = 200GeV Au+Au Collisions Hisayuki Torii ShinIchi Esumi Saskia Mioduszewski Edouard Kistenev

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 2Overview Introduction PHENIX Analysis 0 v 2 Photon v 2 Summary Outlook

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 3 Why Event Anisotropy? Because of sensitive to collision geometry –In low p T (~<2 GeV/c) Pressure gradient of early stage Hydrodynamical picture is established –In high p T (>~2 GeV/c) Energy loss in dense medium (Jet Quenching) Partonic flow(?) x z y Here we focus on ellipticity of azimuthal momentum distribution, v 2 (second Fourier coefficient)

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 4 PHENIX Experiment Lead Scintillator and Lead Glass EMCs –Gamma measurement ( 0 ) BBCs and ZDCs –Collision centrality determination BBCs –Reaction plane determination and –Its resolution correction

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 5 BBC in PHENIX NorthSouth cm ⊿ η = 3.1 ~ 4.0 ⊿ φ = 2π 64 elements Quartz Cherenkov radiator meshed dynode PMT inner ring middle ring outer ring BBC

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 6 PbGl and PbSc EMC’s 1 Sector = 6x3 Supermodules (SM) 1 PbSc SM = 12x12 towers PbSc towers: 5.52 x 5.52 x 33 cm 3 (18 X 0 ) blocks total 1 PbSc tower: 66 sampling cells 1.5 mm Pb, 4 mm Sc Ganged together by penetrating wavelength shifting fibers for light collection Readout: FEU115M phototubes 2 Sectors PbGl 1 PbGl Sector 16x12 supermodules (SM) 1 PbGl SM 6x4 towers Separate reference system 1 FEM Reads out 2x3 supermodules or 12x12 towers

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 7 Method of  0 and Photon v 2 Measurement Define reaction plane by charged multiplicity on Beam-Beam Counters Photon –Obtained second harmonic coefficient from  0 – 0 reconstruction and subtract background (combinatorial and the others) –For each p T, azimuthal angle, centrality –Commbine both information –Counting number of  0 as a function of - r and fit by the formula event anisotropy parameter measured azimuthal angle of the particle reaction plane angle v n real = v n measured / ( reaction plane resolution ) n Note: the detail of reaction plane definition will be found in nucl-ex/

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 8 Reaction Plane Defined by BBC’s BBC north and south ( ) are used Resolution calculation –Two sub-events are selected –North and south -  /2  /2 Correlation of two BBC’s

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 9 Photon and  0 Identification Requirement for photon –Dead and noisy EMC towers are removed for the analysis –PID cuts:  2 <3 for photon probability to shower shape –|TOF| cut to reject hadron –No charged track hit within cluster isolation window For  0 –Photon ID, plus –Asymmetry cut: |E 1 –E 2 | / ( E 1 +E 2 ) < 0.8 –Combinatorial background is estimated by event mixing Classes categorized for event mixing –centrality : every 10% –BBC Z Vertex : every 10cm in ±30cm –reaction plane direction in PHENIX detector : 24 bins in ±

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 10 Example Plots from the  0 v 2 Analysis Procedure Invariant mass of  from same event and mixed event (classed by reaction plane, centrality, vertex position) normalization range for combinatorial B.G. subtraction 200GeV Au+Au m  [GeV/c 2 ] After subtraction, there is 2nd component of B.G. in p T <2GeV/c region shape assumed as linear+asym. Gauss count number of  0 in a range after 2nd B.G. subtraction (not used the fit function) m  [GeV/c 2 ]  R [rad] Fit function: (average of  0 count)  ( v 2 cos[2(  -  R )]) Green lines : deviation by error of v

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 11 vs. Centrality from 200GeV Au+Au vs. Centrality from 200GeV Au+Au  N part   N part    phenix preliminary

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 12 v 2 vs. p T vs. Centrality from 200GeV Au+Au Statistical error is shown by error bar Systematic error from  0 count method and reaction plane determination is shown by gray box phenix preliminary Charged + K v 2 consistent with  0 v 2 in p T <4GeV/c } nucl-ex/ phenix preliminary The charged  and K v 2 are shown only with statistical errors

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 13 phenix preliminary v 2 vs. p T (Minimum Bias) from 200GeV Au+Au Identified particle v 2 up to p T =10GeV/c } nucl-ex/ phenix preliminary 36.3  10 6 [events] = [(  b) -1 ]

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 14 Comparison with K 0 S and  (STAR) STAR data from nucl-ex/

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 15 Quark Coalescence? Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (2003) , D.Molnar and S.A. Voloshin qqmeson, qqq(qqq)Baryon How data looks like? Non-strange and strange meson and baryon seems to be merged around p T /n quark 1-3GeV/c But we need more statistics to conclude it

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 16 Photon v 2 from 200 GeV Au+Au phenix preliminary

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 17 Photon v 2 and Hadron v 2 Photon v 2 shows similar tendency with  0 –need more statistics to see photon v 2 after  0 (and also  decay effect

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 18  0 Decay Effect for Photon v 2 Tool is ready

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 19Summary  0 v 2 at RHIC –First measurement In p T =1-10 GeV/c v 2 of the highest p T from identified particle –Charged  v 2 consistent with  0 v 2 In p T =1-3GeV/c –Minimum bias data shows non-zero  0 v 2 Up to p T ~8 GeV/c Photon v 2 –increasing with p T up to ~2GeV/c –and saturated then decreasing(?) –We hope to see photon v 2 after decay effect subtraction with more data

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 20Outlook Feature plan of analysis –Using high p T gamma trigger in run2 Au+Au data We will have about twice statistics in high p T need to study trigger bias –therefore, present analysis results are from minimum bias trigger events – v 2 will be also available by same method –PHENIX has photon v 2 also –Photon v 2 after hadron decay effect, especially low p T ! RHIC run4 Au+Au, it will be –Much more statistics Detail study of v 2 shape around p T =2-4GeV/c –Much higher p T We want to know where is the end of finite v 2 in very high p T –Also capability of photon measurement in low p T by conversion finding

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 21 Backup

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 22 Future Plan of Event Anisotropy Analysis in PHENIX Trying v 2 for all of possible particles with large statistics –Already tried charged ,K,p, deuteron,  0, e +(-) (inclusive), gamma (inclusive) –On going but need much more statistics eta direct gamma –inclusive gamma – [contribution from  0, eta (dominantly)] charm and bottom meson –inclusive e +(-) – [contribution from  0 and eta dalitz decay (dominantly)] –Seems to be hard work, but... K 0 s Lambda resonances penta-quark v 1 on BBC (=3-4) Correlation method for v n Cross section and HBT radii in-plane and out-plane

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 23 Tooooooooooooo many histograms checked After combinatorial background subtraction Example of invariant mass distributions for each p T,  -  R in a centrality bin Before combinatorial background subtraction  0 as a function of  Rb

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 24 phenix preliminary nucl-ex/ v 2 vs. p T (Minimum Bias) from 200GeV Au+Au Identified particle v 2 up to p T =10GeV/c 36.3  10 6 [events] = [(  b) -1 ]

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 25 Comparison with a model phenix preliminary Hydrodynamical calculation agreed in p T ~<2 GeV/c. After that, it is deviated. Hydrodynamical calculation

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 26 Comparison with a model which is described in nucl-th/ Here we don't want to discuss which model can describe the data. To conclude which model can describe the data, we need much more statistics in high p T region. Special thanks to C. Nonaka (one of authors) of nucl-th/ for data of model calculation Comparison with a model phenix preliminary

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 27 Photon Purity with cuts

Masashi Kaneta, RBRC, BNL Collective flow and QGP properties, RIKEN-BNL workshop (2003/11/17-19) 28 Systematic Errors different methods for extracting v2 different reaction planes methods different colors for the sys. errors.