1 EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May 2010 E.C. Aschenauer
Physics Topics E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May unpolarised and polarised inclusive physics detect only the scattered lepton F 2 and F L for proton and nuclei, g 1 and g 2 for proton / He-3 antishadowing “sweet” spot R=1 shadowing LHC =0 RHIC =3 Assumptions: 10GeV x 100GeV/n √s=63GeV Ldt = 4/A fb -1 equiv to cm -2 s -1 T=4weeks; DC:50% Detector: 100% efficient Q 2 up to kin. limit sx Statistical errors only Note: L~1/A smearing effects can be significant
Physics Topics unpolarised and polarised inclusive physics detect only the scattered lepton F 2 and F L for proton and nuclei, g 1 and g 2 for proton / He-3 EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May Lets get a feeling for systematic uncertainties: 1% energy-to-energy normalization low detector smearing will be crucial tracking vs. calorimetry 1 - 2% vs % F L for fixed electron energy (4GeV) and proton energies: 50, 70, 100, 250 GeV Luminosity: 4fb -1 each setting E.C. Aschenauer
Physics Topics unpolarised and polarised inclusive physics detect only the scattered lepton F 2 and F L for proton and nuclei, g 1 and g 2 for proton / He-3 EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May Integrated Lumi: 5fb -1 Same issues with detector resolution as F 2 and F L in addition need to reduce systematics due to polarisation E.C. Aschenauer
Kinematics EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May x Q2Q2 higher hadron energy at the same lepton beam energy allows access to lower x higher lepton beam energy at the same hadron beam energy allows access to lower x E.C. Aschenauer
e’ Kinematics Lets concentrate on 4GeV lepton energy electron beam “replaces” yellow hadron beam EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May Proton Energy 50 GeV 100 GeV 250 GeV 4x50 p e : 0-1 GeV p e : 1-2 GeV p e : 2-3 GeV p e : 3-4 GeV e- p/A 180 o 0 o No dependence on hadron beam energy Q 2 >0.1GeV 2 4GeV >5 o 10GeV >2 o 20GeV >1 o E.C. Aschenauer
Hadron Kinematics EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May x100 4x250 4x100 4x50 E.C. Aschenauer
Diffractive Physics: p’ kinematics EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May x 100 t=(p 4 -p 2 ) 2 = 2[(m p in.m p out )-(E in E out - p z in p z out )] 4 x 50 4 x 250 ? Diffraction: E.C. Aschenauer
EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May Current PHENIX Detector at RHIC MPC 3.1 < | | < o < < 5.2 o Muon Arms 1.2 < | | < 2.4 South: 12 o < < 37 o North: 10 o < < 37 o Central Arms | | < o < < 110 o e- electrons will not make it to the south muon arm to much material E.C. Aschenauer
What will the current PheniX see EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May x100 p e : 0-1 GeV p e : 1-2 GeV p e : 2-3 GeV p e : 3-4 GeV 4x100 Current PheniX detector not really useable for DIS acceptance not matched to DIS kinematics E.C. Aschenauer
HCAL EM CAL Preshower The new PheniX Spectrometer Coverage in | | =< 4 (2 o < < 30 o ) 0.1 < Q 2 < 100 (5 o – 175 o ) need an open geometry detector planes for next decadal plan replace current central detector with a new one covering | | =< 1 EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May cm 2T Solenoid EMCAL HCAL Silicon Tracker VTX + 1 layer Silicon Tracker FVTX 1.2 < < o < < 37 o North Muon Arm 68cm IP 80cm 145cm 5 2m 17.4 cm y E.C. Aschenauer
IR-Design E.C. AschenauerEIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May m Q5 D5 Q4 90 m 10 mrad m 3.67 mrad 60 m m 18.8 m 16.8 m 6.33 mrad 4 m © D.Trbojevic 30 GeV e GeV p Or 125 GeV/u ions eRHIC - Geometry high-lumi IR with β*=5 cm, l*=4.5 m and 10 mrad crossing angle m
What can new PheniX do PROs: large coverage for scattered lepton can do inclusive ep/eA physics through all stages of eRHIC can do semi-inclusive and exclusive physics, which needs muon and electron-id (i.e. J/psi) CONs: momentum and angular resolution critical for precision inclusive physics material budget in central detector is on the high side IPs are better offset to the center of the detector for asymmetric colliders very difficult because of symmetric design of central detector NO PID and Muon-arm on forward direction most of semi- inclusive and exclusive/diffractive physics not possible High Luminosity IR design does not work with old and new PheniX need to move focusing quads lower luminosity Remarks / Questions: need to integrate 10mrad bend in design need to integrate a luminosity measurement E.C. Aschenauer EIC EW Meeting, W&M, VA, May Summary: the new PheniX detector can make important measurements in ep/eA Lets integrate it into the design and the next decadal plan