„Moderné vzdelávanie pre vedomostnú spoločnosť/Projekt je spolufinancovaný zo zdrojov EÚ“ Inovácia obsahu a metód vzdelávania prispôsobená potrebám vedomostnej spoločnosti Art History I The Romanesque Art VYPRACOVAL: Mgr, Vladislav, Kravec Február 2015
Content 1.The Romanesque Period Origins Architecture Sculpture Painting
The Romanesque Period Origins Romanesque means „like the Romans“ or „Roman-like“ encompassed the 11th and 12th Centuries feudalism provided some military and economic security church had very strong unifying influence and its authoritian rule extended (beyond the spiritual) into every aspect of community life during this period the church remained the predominant influence in western Europe.
The Romanesque Period Architecture Many elements reflect Roman architecture heavy proportions the barrel vault (valená klenba) rounded arch (plný oblúk) The use of sculpture with architecture Buildings have few windows The tower becomes integral part of the church design, sometimes isolated from the church( called a bell tower or „campanile“)
The Romanesque Period Architecture Churces were built on variety of floor plans: The Latin Cross plan (most used) Greek Cross plan The basilica style (revived in Italy)
The Romanesque Period Sculpture Used in conjuncton with architecture Noted primarily in the portals: Archivolts Tympanum characteristic elongated bodies unreal and inorganic spiritual and flat almost always frontal position is used
The Romanesque Period Painting 1.Fresco (dry frescoes) Colours limited and appear flat and full Pigments mixed with water and glue-based substances 2.Manuscript Painted in watercolours and ink on vellum or parchment Often decorated with gold leaf 3.Panel On wood or ceramic tiles Some panels show figures with volume and weight with drapery suggesting a body underneath (Nicolas of Verdun)
sources mencher.com/pic_old/romanesque_gothic/diagram_romanes que_church_portal.jpg mencher.com/pic_old/romanesque_gothic/diagram_romanes que_church_portal.jpg nt_ambrogio_plan1.gif nt_ambrogio_plan1.gif 4/SaintPierre.svg/2000px-SaintPierre.svg.png 4/SaintPierre.svg/2000px-SaintPierre.svg.png content/uploads/2015/01/decoration-other-marvelous-mr- bells-world-history-2-eso-session-7-religion-and-and-in- drawing-and-sculpture-charming-gothic-and-romanesque- architecture.png content/uploads/2015/01/decoration-other-marvelous-mr- bells-world-history-2-eso-session-7-religion-and-and-in- drawing-and-sculpture-charming-gothic-and-romanesque- architecture.png
/jpg/medieval__romanesque_floorplan_- _st_sernin__toulouse jpg /jpg/medieval__romanesque_floorplan_- _st_sernin__toulouse jpg -at-st-sernins-1090s.jpg -at-st-sernins-1090s.jpg 9C0ZNmY5p50/T3AH2JDJbSI/AAAAAAAAETQ/9UhiY1M7g7M/ s1600/Annunciation+Birth+of+Samson.jpg 9C0ZNmY5p50/T3AH2JDJbSI/AAAAAAAAETQ/9UhiY1M7g7M/ s1600/Annunciation+Birth+of+Samson.jpg images/Romanesque/manuscripts/worcester_chronicle.jpg images/Romanesque/manuscripts/worcester_chronicle.jpg