Hey sir!, you cannot express religious practice or speech at the public park. Other citizen are getting disturbed. Mr. Hall, Sorry officer but I can express religious practice at a public place… As it says on the first amendment. Scenario 1
There is a report of one of mr.hall’s neighbors that Mr. Hall is bearing weapons which is an act that his neighbors really dislike Police, Knock knock, Mr. Hall? Mr. Hall? Mr. Hall, Who is it? Police, The police, A got a gun report on you house, do you have any gun there? Mr,Hall, Come in, I do have a gun with all it’s legal paper. And, I can have the gun because it says in the second amendment of the constitution. I have the right to bear arms. Police, Okay sir you may keep the weapon, It was just my job that made me enter your house.
Soldiers, Mr.Ñato! Mr.Ñato! where are resting in your house because we are tired of standing in this lost and hot beach. We are entering your house with force if you don’t answer! Ñato, No sir! I am with my family spending my vacations and I don’t want 15 rude soldiers scaring my children with that big weapons and loud screams. No! (Mr. Ñato had some armed bodyguards taking care of him and his family do to the rare things happening on the beach which caused a little oral fight with the soldiers and almost ended up on fire) Soldiers made a demand on Mr.Ñato for not letting him sleep and rest on his home. The judge told Mr.Ñato was free of anything the demand said because he was not making bad things. Like it says in the third amendment, Troops cannot take property of any person while not being in war. Soldiers are guarding the beach looking for any boat of another country that shall not be there. Were the soldiers are settled, Mr.Ñato has a vacation home near the beach and his spending some time there while his vacations.
Mr.Ñato, Hi officers, what brings you today to my place? Officer, Officer Pol told me that he has seen some rare packages in you garage. We want to check them. Mr. Ñato, I do not have anything illegal in there and I will let you check but because I want to leave everything clear. If I want I can tell not to open that bags because if you see the ten amendments, you are not aloud to come because you do not have the order from anyone. Officers, Yes he's right, we should not go in anyone’s property and see his things just because we think. Lets Go! Officer Pol, I apologize Mr.Ñato It will never happen again. Mr.Ñato, Do not worry Pol, just check better before doing an accusation Mr.Ñato was relaxing in his home after a hard day of job and one rare event showed up. I big bunch of police cars came and parked in the front yard of Mr. Ñato.
Mr.Ñato, I am sorry, I am sorry. Son, Shut up and staid there. (the officers that came were friends of the driver so in effect they got mad to) Officer Pol, You will have five years in jail and pay a big amount of money. Mr.Ñato, I will call my family. Mrs.Polca, Sorry Officer but my husband has a right to trial and jury I would take care of him until new information. (Officers needed to go really mad but they could not violate the rights of Mr. Ñato because the ones with the more trouble will be them,) Mr.Ñato had a trial and paid four months of jail because of his educated wife that new the amendments of the constitution. Thats why Mr.Ñato had a just punishment for what he did. Mr.Ñato was really drunk one time in his farm in Texas and he was riding his dirt bike until he crashed with a car on a road near his house.No bad injurie happened to him but the driver of the car did break an arm and his 21 year old sons did got pretty mad called the police inmediately.