Science Extra-Credit Gwyneth L. Go into slide show mode
Ingredients 1. Honey 2. Dish soap 3. Olive oil 4. Rubbing alcohol 5. Vinegar 6. Corn syrup
Order of Ingredients First, I poured rubbing alcohol in the glass. Next I poured in honey, that sank below the rubbing alcohol. Next I poured dish soap in, that sank below the rubbing alcohol but above the honey. Then I poured in olive oil, that floated above the dish soap. Then I poured in vinegar which sank below the dish soap, but mixed in so it looks like its floating above the dish soap. Lastly I poured in the corn syrup which sank to the bottom of the cup.
Rubbing Alcohol Olive oil Dish soap Vinegar Corn syrup Honey Red glass not honey