Density Demonstrations
Page 1 Hypothesis If ice is added to water then ____________________ (you finish the statement as your own hypothesis about adding ice to water.) Results The ice floated Conclusion The hypothesis was __________________________ (correct, incorrect or not tested) Ice is less dense than water.
Page 2 Hypothesis If ice is added to rubbing alcohol then ______________________ (finish the statement) Results The ice sank in rubbing alcohol Conclusion The hypothesis was ___________________ (correct, incorrect or not tested) Ice is less dense than water and denser than rubbing alcohol.
Page 3 Hypothesis If corn syrup, rubbing alcohol, dish soap and water are added together then _____________________ (finish the statement) Results The substances layered Conclusion The hypothesis was _______________________ (correct, incorrect or not tested) The substances layered based on density.
Page 4 Hypothesis If rocks, gravel, sand and powdered clay are added together then ___________________________ (correct, incorrect or not tested) Results When added together the substances layered. Conclusion Due to the lack of a liquid for the solids to move through the substances layered based on particle size. When there are no liquids present substances do not layer based on density but rather the smaller particles sink to the bottom through the cracks and spaces between the larger particles.