Cave Painting Of A Horse BC Stone Age
Stonehenge BC Bronze Age
Book of the Dead illustration BC Egyptian
The Parthenon BC Greek
Equestrian statue of Emperor Marcus Aurelius AD Roman
Throne of Archbishop Maximian: panel detail, the Feeding of the Multitude (Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes) AD Byzantine
Baptistery of San Giovanni, Florence: AD Romanesque
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba; detail of roundel from the "Biblia Pauperum" (I) window, Canterbury Cathedral, Late 1100s Gothic
The Meeting of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba; detail of the "Gates of Paradise" (East Portals of the Baptistery, Florence) Early Renaissance
Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel painting html html 1510 High Renaissance
Caravaggio’s Calling of St. Matthew painting _La_vocazione_di_San_Matteo.jpg _La_vocazione_di_San_Matteo.jpg 1600 Baroque
Antoine Watteau, Pilgrimage on the Isle of Cythera Rococo
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, Apotheosis of Homer Neoclassicism
Durand, Asher, Kindred Spirits Romanticism
Claude Monet, Woman with a Parasol Impressionism
Georges BraqueGeorges Braque, Woman with a Guitar Cubism
Salvador Dali, The Persistence of Memory Surrealism
Jackson Pollock, Night Mist fault.aspx fault.aspx 1945 Abstract Expressionism
Roy Lichtenstein, Drowning Girl _Girl.jpg _Girl.jpg 1963 Pop Art
John LeKay. Untitled, ladder and wheelchair g g 1991 Contemporary