Discovering Plants
Peduncle – Flower stalk Peduncle – Flower stalk. Receptacle - Part of flower stalk bearing the floral organs, at base of flower. Sepal - Leaf-like structures at flower base, protects young flower bud. Calyx - All the sepals together form the calyx. Petal - Located in and above the sepals, often large and colourful, sometimes scented, sometimes producing nectar. Often serve to attract pollinators to the plant Form and Function
Corolla All the petals together form the corolla. Stamen Male part of the flower, consisting of the anther and filament, makes pollen grains. Filament The stalk of the stamen which bears the anther. Anther The pollen bearing portion of a stamen. Pollen Grains containing the male gametes. Immature male gametophyte with a protective outer covering. Carpel\Pistil Female part of the flower. Consisting of the stigma, style and ovary.
Stigma Often sticky top of carpel, serves as a receptive surface for pollen grains. Style The stalk of a carpel, between the stigma and the ovary, through which the pollen tube grows. Ovary Enlarged base of the carpel containing the ovule or ovules. The ovary matures to become a fruit. Ovule Located in the ovaries. Carries female gametes. Ovules become seeds on fertilization.
Why do Plants Have Petals to help the flower reproduce and make more flowers. is to attract insects and mammals to the flower for pollination; to a certain degree they also offer a small amount of protection to the reproductive structures.
MONOCOT AND DICOT Monocots (or monocotyledons) and dicots (or dicotyledons) are the two main types of flowering plants. They differ in morphological characteristics of leaves, stems, flowers and fruit of flowering plants.
Corn Seed Monocots are seeds that only have one cotyledon, such as the corn seed. The corn seed does have a seed coat, but it does not slip off as easily as the bean seed. It is a lighter color than the rest of the seed and is called the endosperm.
Dicots are seeds that have two parts, such as a bean seed. The bean seed has a slit going down the middle of the seed. Inside is a tiny plant called an embryo. The two large parts of the seeds are called cotyledons. Bean Seed
How Plants Grow Every root grows a mass of tiny hairs near its tip to absorb water from the soil.
Plants and Our Environment Plants are important to the balance of nature. For animals and people, plants provide food, shelter, useful tools, and products.
Monocot and Dicot Characteristics Embryo with 1 cotyledon, usually developing under ground. Roots usually fibrous. Growth is mostly herbaceous. Vascular bundles scattered. Leaves usually parallel-veined. Flower parts usually in multiples of 3. Embryo with 2 cotyledons, usually developing above ground. A primary root usually present. Growth either herbaceous or woody. Vascular bundles usually forming a ring. Leaves usually net-veined. Flower parts usually 4 or 5.