or Are You Also Wandering ? Tzu-Jui Wang, Visual Communications Lab, Taiwan
Brief Introduction to MAC
Apple Inc. Found by Steve Jobs, one of the most influential persons in the world.
Brief Introduction to MAC “Windows is better !” Microsoft fans said. “MAC is definitely better.” MAC fans said.
Brief Introduction to MAC Unix-based Operating System Multi-task and multi-user Stability Security Simplicity
Here Comes the Comparison So, what’s the DIFFERENCE between Unix-based MAC and Windows-based PC ?
Which One Is Simpler to Use ?
Which One is Simpler to Use ? MAC, generally, is simpler and smarter. BUT, what if using PCs has become a habit ?
MAC’s User Interface
Macs come up strong in media support. iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie,...etc. Windows also support integrated media (movie and music) and picture-sharing services.
MAC boost-ups considerably faster, due to MAC OS has being optimized for the MAC-made hardware. Windows 7 is much more faster than Vista. It’s become more comparable to MAC.
Apple make certification to its hardware, thus limits our selection. PCs have variety of range in price, designs, sizes,...etc. Macs do well on quality control, while PCs can meet everyone’s need.
Most of USB devices works for both MAC and PC.
Huge amounts of choices for softwares on PC. Finding a extra software for some purposes is simpler.
MACs have always been more expensive. (Is it deserve to be?) Apple products become cheaper recently.
Battery Life
Battery life is a essential issue for the portable laptop. MacBooks and MacBook Pro are last for 5~7 hours. The advanced laptops are last for 7~9 hours. (e.g. CULV-based laptop) Dell’s dual-battery extends to 19 hours!
Which Do You Prefer ?
Keep addicting to Windows ? Get rid of Windows, eating an Apple ?
Lots More Choices !
Windows and MAC Both need strong hardwares to support. The new concept rises up ! Cloud computing techniques Google Chrome OS exert the Internet power to make the OS more compact.
Thanks for Listening !