INJURY PREVENTION AT THE DESK Ron Schenk PT, PhD Dean of Health and Human Services Associate Professor Physical Therapy Daemen College
Objectives Identify the anatomical areas susceptible to injuries and differentiate the causes, signs and symptoms of musculoskeletal disorders. Identify and implement correct methods for controlling risk factors. Understand the importance of posture in reducing risk. Apply repeated movement principles to prevent injury
Talking Points Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are injuries and disorders that affect human movement or the musculoskeletal tissues (muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs, blood vessels…) Work related MSDs include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis, thoracic outlet syndrome, neck and low back tension syndromes. Work related MSDs are also referred to as repetitive motion injuries, repetitive strain injuries, cumulative trauma disorders, occupational cervicobrachial disorders, overuse syndrome, regional musculoskeletal disorders, soft tissue disorders.
Natural history
Implications of back pain
Management Little evidence to support bed rest
Short-term relief in acute back pain Not clearly better than simple analgesics Not proven to help chronic back pain NSAIDs
...or modalities
Some evidence for: Education Manipulation Exercise Behavioral therapy
Risk Factors Back pain History of back pain Vibration Posture Bend/ twist Lifting
Predisposing Factors: Poor posture
Frequency of flexion
Loss of extension Poor posture Frequency of flexion + =
Possible sources of pain Disc Facet Ligament Bone Dura Nerve root Muscle Capsule ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Directional Preference… is the phenomenon of preference for postures, movement, exercise in a particular direction.
To classify and treat all musculoskeletal conditions
Low Back Anatomy
Lumbar extension Standing backward bend The Pressup
Can standing back extension exercise improve or prevent low back pain in Japanense care workers? Matsudaira K, Hiroe M, Kikkawa M, Takayuki S, Suzuki M, Isomura T, Oka H, Hiroe, K, Hiroe K. Journal of Manual and Manipulative Therapy, 23(4): , 2015.
Neck anatomy
Neck injury prevention
Extremities: Wrist flexor stretch
Extremities: Wrist extensor stretch
Ergonomics The study of people’s efficiency in their work environment. Fitting a person to a job that helps lessen muscle fatigue, increases productivity, and reduces the likelihood of injury. Matching the job to the worker and the product to the user.
Effects of postural correction
Lumbar flexion Spinal Publications NZ Ltd
Long term strategies
flexion Balance...during a typical day extension
Leonardo da Vinci Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication