This Week – COPY INTO BINDER REMINDER DATE ASSIGNMENTS 9/1 No School 9/2 Finish Brochure Finish Interactions and Summary 9/3 Complete Reading Guide 9/4 Study for Quiz Complete Interactions for Diocletian Biography 9/5 QUIZ TODAY!!!!
Cornell Notes: The Fall of the Western Roman Empire Mrs. Lowell September 2, 2014
Essential Question Why did the Western Roman Empire fall?
DO NOT COPY Remember what the Romans achieved: Government: Republican government, Senators, and a strong Emperor. Written laws gave citizens protection. Engineering: Roads, Aqueducts, Bridges Architecture: Open spaces and columns borrowed from the Greeks, Arches, Dome, Large buildings, stadiums, theaters Art: Realistic art which included mosaics, sculptures, and paintings.
Problems in the Roman Empire The Roman Empire had problems: Political Corruption- government stealing money many wealthy citizens left Rome Diseases killed many people Government raised taxes
Diocletian Divides the Empire Rome was too vast (BIG) Trying to fix Rome’s many problems, Emperor Diocletian divided the empire into two pieces This made it much easier to control (for now….) Later Constantine moved the capital to Constantinople.
Barbarian Invasions Barbarians were anyone who did not speak Latin Barbarians invaded the western Roman Empire Huns from Central Asia invaded Europe & attacked tribes called the Goths and the Slavs. The Goths fled from the Huns into western Roman territory and created their own kingdoms.
Attila the Hun, on the attack
2.Next, scared of the Huns, barbarian tribes move into the western Roman Empire! 1. First, the Huns start in Asia but make their way west attacking many barbarian tribes as they go. 3.Finally, tribes like the Franks set up their own kingdoms within the western Roman Empire.
The Fall of Rome The large size of the empire made it hard to control. Barbarian invasions weakened the empire. Political corruption led to a weak/ineffective government The population decreased Rome, 5 mi
Rome Barbarians + =
Rome is Destroyed The Goths attack and destroy Rome in 476. The Roman Empire in the East continued to rule for another 1000 years. Historians renamed The Eastern Empire the “Byzantine Empire” to distinguish it from the Western Empire.
The final emperor, Romulus Augustus, was forced to give his crown to the Barbarian King
Cornell Notes Interactions 1. List four problems Rome faced. Add pictures. 2. Haiku: Pick an idea from the notes, and write a Haiku poem. (5-7-5) 3. Write an Acrostic Poem for the Word “Divide” and describe why Diocletian divided Rome in half. D I v E 4. Suggestions: Pretend you are the Roman Emperor. Write three ideas for how you would stop the Barbarians from attacking. More fighting is not an answer.
Cornell Notes Interactions 1. List four problems Rome faced. Add pictures. 2. Haiku: Pick an idea from the notes, and write a Haiku poem. (5-7-5) 3. Different Points of View Interpret the interactions of the Barbarians and Romans from multiple points of view. 4. Suggestions: Pretend you are the Roman Emperor. Write three ideas for how you would stop the Barbarians from attacking. More fighting is not an answer. Roman Perspective Barbarian Perspective 1. 2.
Summary The Western Roman Empire faced many problems. The first problem was______________. The second was ____________. For example….