Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Food data collected using acquisition and consumption approaches with a 7-day recall method in the Kenyan 2005/6 KIHBS KAARA, Josiah Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, Nairobi, Kenya RAMASAWMY, Seevalingum (FAO Statistics Division, Italy)
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels OBJECTIVES The KIHBS 2005/6 collected household food acquisition and consumption data and the two sets of data allowed the derivation of food security statistics at national and sub-national levels using the FAO FSSM methodological approach. This analysis compares these two sets of estimates of food security indicators (FSI) and evaluates the best possible use of these FSI for the assessment and monitoring of food deprivation in Kenya.
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Methodology The 2005/06 KIHBS is one of the most comprehensive budget surveys ever conducted in the country, with its sample design based on the sampling frame from the 1999 Population and Housing Census. The KIHBS selected survey clusters from a pool of 540 urban and 1,240 rural clusters and it took place over a period of 12 months on a sample of 13,430 household
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Dietary energy by income levels The average daily per person dietary energy acquired at national level was about 12 percent higher than that consumed). All population groupings showed higher acquired than consumed dietary energy Acquired energy in the lowest income group was 10 percent lower than its consumed energy. The highest income population had acquired energy seventeen percent greater than the consumed energy.
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Dietary energy by regions The highest levels of acquired and consumed dietary energy were among population in Nairobi and other urban areas as well as the central and eastern regions. The differences between the acquired and consumed energy ranged from of 9 to 15 percent.
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Monetary expenses and unit value of dietary energy Food expenses (K Shs/person/day) by income levels The highest income quintile households had the highest monetary expenditure for both acquisition ( K shs) and consumption ( K shs). The high income population group usually bought more expensive food, and in bulk, either for food stock or to give to other people, such as workers or guests. On average their food expenditure was more than six times that of the lowest income population for both acquisition and consumption approaches.
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Monetary expenses and unit value of dietary energy Dietary Energy Unit value (K shs/1000 kcal) by income levels Dietary energy unit value increased with increasing levels of income, with the highest population groups paying more than twice the price paid by the low income population for both consumption and acquisition. High income population paid its consumed energy six percent higher than the acquired energy.
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Food Deprivation At national level the prevalence of undernourishment was 51 percent, based on consumption data, while 41 percent based on acquisition data at national level The higher inequality in access to food shown by acquisition did not counter-balance the higher dietary energy estimate compared to that of consumption. Food deprivation estimates using the consumption approach were higher than those derived from the acquisition food data. Food deprivation estimates, by area and by regions, were different due to the magnitude of inequalities. Food deprivation estimates using acquired food data would be under- estimated due to a lower inequality estimate
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Food Deprivation by income levels
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Food Deprivation by regions
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Critical Food Poverty at sub-national levels Food critical poverty estimates, using acquired dietary unit value, were marginally lower for all population groupings than those based on the consumed dietary unit value. Nairobi and the Coastal regions had the lowest differences while the highest difference was in Nyanza. The high consumed dietary energy unit value probably over-estimated the critical food poverty given that consumed monetary values were valued using purchased unit prices
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Diet Diversity Share (%) of energy from macro-nutrients in total energy at national level The diet diversity of acquired and consumed dietary energy for the national and sub-national population groupings showed that Kenyans consumed a relatively nutrient-balanced diet, as the share of calorie contributions of protein, fats and carbohydrate consumption were within the WHO norms. Differences between the estimates derived from the two approaches were not significant at national level.
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels Conclusion Food consumption data provides better measures, on average, of food security statistics. Food consumption dietary energy estimates are more consistent and can easily approximate dietary energy intake which is usually more appropriate for assessing undernourishment. Measures of access to food, particularly with regards to food dietary energy derived from consumption data, are more consistent. Food acquisition may be used more for policy and planning purposes than for assessing food deprivation.
Statistics Division Beijing, China 25 October, 2007 EC-FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme Side Event Food Security Statistics and Information for Targeting Poor and Hungry Populations at Sub-national Levels THANK YOU