1 Parallel Session 5A: Gender Issues in Post-Primary Education Negotiating the Interface between Upper Secondary and Higher Education in sub-Saharan Africa: The Gender Dimensions Grace Bunyi
2 Objectives of the Study the nature and extent of the gender inequities in the transition between upper secondary (US) and higher education (HE) in SSA; the nature and extent of the gender inequities in participation in HE the obstacles that prevent girls and women from transiting to, and participating effectively in HE;
3 Objectives of the Study contd. interventions implemented to enhance gender equity and equality in US and HE Case studies of promising approaches to the education of girls and women Recommendations – policy and program
4 Findings - Transition Lower transition rates for females generally Particularly lower transition rates for females from socio-economically deprived communities Women transit more into ‘female profession’ programs such as primary teacher education Very low female transition into SMT TIVET and University programs Higher female transition to private than to public universities
5 Findings Contd. - Obstacles The School System: Gender inequities in the feeder education system Poor quality secondary schools for girls Girls’ poor access to and participation in SMT in primary and secondary education
6 Findings Contd. - Obstacles The upper secondary-higher education interface Gate-keeping national examinations Poor linkage between secondary and higher education
7 Findings Contd. - Obstacles The higher education system Women unfriendly institutional environments Lack of articulation between HE curricula and the labor market Lack of, and ineffective use of, sex- disaggregated data for policy and planning
8 Findings Contd. - Obstacles Cross-cutting factors: Socio-economic - poverty Socio-cultural – beliefs, norms & practices Education system – insufficient places & ineffective implementation of policies to address gender inequities Contextual factors – HIV and AIDs
9 Findings Contd. - Interventions Polices Sector wide gender in education policies Re-entry for school girl mothers Free primary (& secondary) education Affirmative action e.g. lower admission cut-off points for females
10 Findings Contd. - Interventions Programs Gender mainstreaming Empowerment programs Girls’ friendly school environments Gender responsive curricula Outreach programs
11 Findings Contd. - Interventions Programs Contd. Girls’ only remedial courses and US-HE bridging programs Increasing number of women teachers, lecturers and managers Boarding facilities for girls Women only institutions Gender sensitization
12 Recommendations Increase access of girls, especially from marginalized communities, to good quality primary and secondary schools Strengthen the teaching & learning of SMT at primary and secondary school levels with a special focus on girls Develop and effectively implement comprehensive education sector wide gender in education policies
13 Recommendations contd. Implement AA policies ensuring targeting of the areas of greatest gender disparities Implement HE institutions specific gender policies with regard to GBV & SH and gender imbalance among lecturers and management Ensure articulation of HE curricula with the needs of the labor market Build capacities for gender at all levels
14 Recommendations contd. Adopt participatory approaches, partnerships and collaborations in addressing gender issues Institutionalize the practice of collecting, analyzing and using sex disaggregated data on all aspects of education Scale up promising interventions Mainstream gender
15 Finally Thank you for your attention