WSUP Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor for the Urban Poor Stronger Service Providers, Better Services For AllWSUP Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor for the Urban Poor WSUP is a tri-sector partnership between the private sector, civil society and academia with the objective of addressing the increasing global problem of inadequate access to water and sanitation for the urban poor and the attainment of the Millennium Development Goal targets, particularly those relating to water and sanitation. WSUP has 7 members: And works in partnership with:
WSUP Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor for the Urban Poor Key strengths and capabilities for SEH Urban linking communities, private sector and service providers Addressing the capacity gap; by helping to get the job done Partnerships with local service providers is integral Large scale programmes ongoing in 5 cross over countries USAID funded programmes ongoing in 4 of 5 cross over countries Key programme components Water; Sanitation; Hygiene Promotion; Capacity building; Environment Innovation HH sanitation with Unilever,
WSUP Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor for the Urban Poor Countries Mozambique* Maputo; current programme targeting 150,000 people with AdeM and CMM Madagascar* Antananarivo; current programme targeting 200,000 people with JIRAMA & Communes Kenya Nairobi; current programme targeting 100,000 people with NCWSC and SIPs; Naivasha; current programme targeting 100,000 people with Naivawass and SIPs; Ghana Kumasi; current programme targeting 100,000 people with GWCL and KMA Bangladesh* Dhaka; current programme targeting 60,000 people with DWASA and DCC in place; * ready to expand to second city / town.