Continent Equator Tropical Plain Savanna Rain Forest Desert
Continent – one of seven large land masses of the earth Equator – an imaginary line around the Earth, halfway between the North and South poles Tropical – a warm, rainy area near the equator Plain – a large, flat area of land Savanna – large area of grassy plains with small shrubs Rain Forest – area of great rainfall, tall evergreen trees Desert – an area where almost no rain falls, where almost nothing grows, and no one lives permanently
1. In what vegetation region do most African animals graze? 2. What landform covers most of Africa? 3. What geographic feature in Africa was formed as a result of the pulling apart of tectonic plates? 4. What are the Kalahari and Namib? 5. What is the semiarid region in Africa that borders the Sahara and the savanna?
6. What are two causes of desertification in Mali? 7. Why are the many rivers of Africa ineffective for transporting goods? 8. Shifting agriculture and overgrazing have resulted in which condition in Africa? 9. What physical characteristics in Africa contribute to its great potential for hydroelectricity? 10. Which city was a central point in the Trans-Saharan trade route system?
11. What made the trade possible that that led to the wealth of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai? 12. How did the locations of cities in the West African empires of Ghana and Mali influence their growth? 13. What were the most important/popular trade products of the West African trade kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhai? 14. In traditional sub-Saharan African religions, how do people seek good fortune? 15. What is animism, the belief of many traditional African religions?
16. Why is oral tradition important in African cultures? What is a Griot’s role in West African society? What had West African civilizations developed before they had contact with Europeans? What was a significant effect of Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage to Mecca? What language was created from traditional African languages and Arabic in the southeast city-states in Africa?
21. What factor aided European powers in the establishment of their African imperialism? 22. What was the route slave ships took from Africa across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas known as? 23. As a result of European colonization, why have the location of many African nations’ borders been a source of conflict for many years? 24. What was a direct result of European trade in Africa? 25. The European slave trade robbed Africa of its greatest resource. What was this resource? 26. Which European nation first engaged in the African Slave Trade? 27. The “Scramble for Africa” led to the European colonization of the whole African continent except for which two countries? 28. List two methods that former European colonies used to gain their independence.
29. In 1822, former United States slaves went to western Africa to form what country? 30. What is one problem African farmers face when they give up subsistence farming to raise cash crops? 31. How might family members moving to a city affect a traditional extended family structure? 32. In addition to poor health care and poor education, what other problem do Africans face? 33. What is a major influence on Ethiopia’s arts? 34. Which of the following is an accurate statement about imperialism in Africa? a. It established stable democracies b. it promoted industrial development c. it made little use of superior weapons d. it cut across ethnic lines 35. Which of the following best describes European control of Africa? a. the boundaries European nations drew respected ethnic boundaries b. Africans welcomed Europeans, desiring better transportation and communication c. its purpose was to enrich the home countries through trade, using the resources of the colonies d. Africans were encouraged to keep their traditions alive
36. How did Boer and British settlers affect the lives of black South Africans? 37. How did European imperialism promote the development of nationalism in African and Asian countries? 38. What was the result of mixing Bantu and Arabic cultures? 39. Which religion is most widespread in Africa? 40. Which of the following are examples of cultural traditions in sub-Saharan Africa? a. Calligraphy and chopsticks b. origami and haiku c. kente cloth and storytelling d. boomerang and kimono
1. The route slave ships took from Africa to the Americas was known as__________ 2. Liberia was formed in 1822 by ___________ 3. Which European country was the first to engage in the slave trade? 4. Orthodox Christianity was a major influence on _________________ arts. 5. What religion is most widespread in Africa? 6. Swahili was created by mixing Bantu and ____________ cultures. 7. Give 2 examples of cultural traditions in Sub Saharan Africa. 8. The slave trade robbed Africa of its _________, their greatest resource. 9. Africans face many problems including poor education, poor health care and ___________ 10. What factor helped Europeans establish their African imperialism?
41. How has the United States been influenced by West Africa? 42. During what time period did most African nations become independent? 43. How did Kenya become an independent nation? 44. What was one factor that contributed to the downfall of apartheid in the Republic of South Africa? 45. Why did more than 500,000 Tutsis in Rwanda die?
46. What major health problem does Zimbabwe, Botswana, and South Africa all face today? 47. When compared to neighboring nations, the Republic of South Africa is the richest country in the region. What is the reason for this? 48. Which Statement best describes South Africa’s economy? a. The economy is the most advanced b. The economy suffers from a lack of workers c. The economy has no problems d. The economy is struggling because of its dependence on one product. 49. Which of these countries has the highest standard of living? a. South Africa b. Niger c. Angola d. Cameroon 50. In South Africa, a person drinks coffee imported from Kenya, works at a computer made in Japan, and uses gasoline from Algeria. Which concept does this statement illustrate? a. Empathy b. Scarcity c. Interdependence d. World citizenship