Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments Dear Participants, Our seminar « Access to services » is based on exchanges, encounters and discussions. In order to identify each other more easily, we ask you to fill in the small document (“introduction form”). Then, all introduction forms will be collected and shared between participants. You can write them in French, English or Arabic, according to your working language. Thank you for returning them to Marion by 30th November You can choose your pictures; Please keep the same colours suggested in the example. Good organisation and see you soon! © Handicap International
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments International Seminar Amman, Jordan 7 – 11 december 2009 © Handicap International Hubert Seifert CBMI Coworker - National Director – Association for the Physically Disabled of Kenya Banker, Business Economist, Industrial economist Managed Rehab Program in Germany for 7 years Have worked with APDK Kenya for 27 years Managing comprehensive rehab programs Incl. CBR, mobile clinics, therapy facilities, orthopedic workshops, wheelchair services, Economic empowerment programs Invited by HI Regional Adviser Kenya to share our experience in service delivery, research and central sourcing research and central sourcing
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments photo What are your two major experiences in relation to the access to services ? -Overcoming challenges in developing comprehensive wheelchair services incl.specials seating services and exporting products to neighboring countries -Developing national network of 22 branches For comprehensive service delivery Integrated in government hospitals
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments photo According to your experiences, what are the biggest obstacles to the access to services for persons with disabilities ? - Lack of national service network - Poverty. e.g. lack of funds to pay for services - Poor quality of services and lack of qualified professionals in hospitals - Inappropriate and expensive technologies
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments photo According to your experiences, what can facilitate the access to services for persons with disabilities ? -Effective national service network integrated in government ministries -Lobbying and advocacy for rights based approach funded by Government -Development of appropriate services which are affordable or government funded
Access to Services for Persons with Disabilities in Challenging Environments photo To which question would you like this seminar to answer ? How to develop sustainable national programs for quality service delivery accessible and affordable to all people with disabilities