Kenya: Alley Cropping Agriculture Protecting & improving poor soils Alley Cropping in Kenya to protect and improve poor soils Some of the problems with soil caused by climate change, but also through poor local farming practices Made sustainable through: - Grow rows of trees along ground contours with crops or vegetables between - crop diversification - protecting crops from sun, wind, heavy rain with trees -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partner: ICRAF, Kenya Kenya: Alley Cropping Protecting & improving poor soils
Agriculture Natural Reforestation in Niger Niger - CC caused inc. temps, droughts, wind storms = failing crops, lack of water Local farming methods exacerbated the problem Partner realised former roots of the forest were still in the ground - Encouraged allowing protected re-growth & coppicing Farmers initially mocked, but saw the benefits: protects crops from wind, heat and dust restores water cycle provides building materials & improves livelihoods TF’s other sustainable agriculture approaches include: crops that grow in shorter seasons flood/ drought resistant crops Modified farming techniques: - replace synthetic fertilisers with organic methods - stop clearing land of all other vegetation - return crop waste to land as fertiliser Starting “closed loop agriculture biofuel” projects ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partner: MIDC (Maradi Integrated Development Project), part of SIM (Society for International Ministries) Niger. Natural Reforestation in Niger
Shelter Flood Resilient House – flood escape platform Modifying a house you were already going to build so it’s flood resilient This shelter project is made Sustainable by: - constructing flood refuge platform - resilient concrete frame - at angle to flood waters Now going further, looking increasingly at: - Sustainable construction materials e.g. locally sourced construction materials, straw bricks, - “Closed Loop” construction – where possible, incorporating the communities’ wider needs, not just for shelter, but address their needs for energy, light, waste disposal, food, protection from extreme weather - solar lights, biogas digesters for sewage and fuel, kitchen gardens, flood diversion Flood Resilient House – flood escape platform
WATSAN Tearfund Tube Well in Darfur New tube well in Darfur Darfur conflict leading to multiple agencies non sustainable use of natural resources E.g. Large number of wells being installed to serve IDP camps. - colleague observed diminishing yields - no one monitoring ground water table Realised that we needed a joined up approach to prevent environmental disaster Now introduced multi agency ground water monitoring Developing a similar approach to timber and clay resources Tearfund Tube Well in Darfur
Education & Awareness Community Radio in Afghanistan Another key element of DRR in CCA is Education & Awareness A 70 year old man from Momand village opposed our project, saying: “Disasters are the will of Allah, why are you trying to interfere with His will?” The TF team had anticipated the question and responded with the story of Nu Allai Salam from the Koran Nu Allai Salam listened to the will of God and prepared for a disastrous flood and saved himself, his family and their animals. The old man was impressed at the Koranic knowledge of the team and how they wanted to use it to inform their project activities and blessed our project The Radio project is now highly regarded in informing people how to adapt to the impacts of CC and Environmental Degradation Community Radio in Afghanistan
Local Advocacy Community Advocacy in Bangladesh Our key approach is to train local people to be their own advocates TF’s Partner (HEED) organised rallies, banners, debates and oratory competitions across the region; - facilitated tree-planting, - engaged the media; - high profile prize giving ceremony – all in the name of commemorating the International Day for Natural Disaster Risk Advocacy off the back of this at local & national levels is bringing about changing attitudes to protect the natural environment (Don’t need to use the word advocacy – “relationship building, serving, providing local capacity” help communities achieve the same ends without making enemies) Community Advocacy in Bangladesh
Livelihoods Tearfund beneficiaries harvesting a chilli crop This livelihoods example is to re-fertilise saline soils Cot Darat, a village at sea level three miles from Indonesia’s coastline vast areas of arable farmland, wells and groundwater suffered salt contamination in the tsunami economy was devastated with some 160,000 people losing their livelihoods. Rehabilitated land using using organic methods – organic fertilizers and pesticides (onion, ginger, papaya) Drainage systems and lime to raise the soil pH Again, local farmers derided the work Proved nitrogen fixing plants have trapped the salt in the soil. Plants have thrived Tearfund beneficiaries harvesting a chilli crop
Drought Zai technique in Burkina Faso Another adaptation example: If your soil is infertile dig small pits, insert manure sow seeds when it rains hollows retain water & crop yields increase -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tearfund Partner: CREDO Zai technique in Burkina Faso
Desertification In Niger we’ve helped our Partner establish 22 fixation sites for Nomadic people affected by CC Wells, dykes, schools, clinics, pasture management improving health, education, livelihoods, re-vegetation, biodiversity This is a compromise that enables them to retain most of their trad way of life (CC affected nomadic people in Niger’s Sahel region) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Partner: Jemed, Niger Wells and dykes support Nomadic fixation sites in Niger
Rapid Rainfall Runoff Rainwater catchment bunds in India Once we’ve assessed the risk, we can choose appropriate responses such as this Here in Rajasthan, India, climate change has brought more intense rainfall that can’t be absorbed - it runs off into watercourses, taking fertile soil with it Neighbouring fields, same crops, same time Left = rainwater catchment bund ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tearfund Partner: Discipleship Centre Rainwater catchment bunds in India
Floods Floating gardens in Bangladesh If you suffer from floods, make your garden float! -------------------------------------------------------------------- Practical Action project: Gaibhana, Bangladesh Make rafts from water hyacinth roots Cover with soil & plant Floating gardens in Bangladesh
Floods Flood protection in Afghanistan through riverbank planting Community Risk Reduction Alli Khil village in Mahmood Raqi district (Kapisa Province) has been increasingly affected by floods Each flood washes away more of their agricultural land Sometimes lose all their crops The people have developed their own solution and planted 300 trees close to the river to prevent erosion During floods last year, the trees withstood the floods, and their land and crops were protected. Flood protection in Afghanistan through riverbank planting
Renewable Energy Wind Power in Sri Lanka
Renewable Energy Wind Power in Sri Lanka
Natural pesticide
Efficient stove
Organic farming
Organic Agriculture & Biodiversity
Increase biodiversity
Liquid manure
Soil erosion
Kitchen garden
Sack mound