External Funding to Integration Clare Howard Donna Thompson
Purpose Understanding complementary or conflicting objectives Practical strategies to integrate the CSM post into the college structure Start to formulate an action plan
The CSM should not: Have responsibility for, or take part in, any facilities management Provide transportation Coordinate or deliver any curriculum related activities Manage existing competitive college sports teams Coordinate ‘qualification only’ based volunteering programmes Deliver coach education programmes Run sports academies that have a focus on talented athletes
Why? Because it will help to meet my targets Because my manager asked me to Because if I didn’t, it wouldn’t happen Because the opportunity was offered To help me integrate into college Because I like doing it…
FESCo retention models – which model might suit your college? 1.Budget rationalisation / re-organisation 2.Raise salary costs from different parts of the college / other sources 3.Incorporate the post into the team 4.Income generation targets 5.Changing the job role to incorporate another college priority 6.Moving to a different department or organisation
Linking your work to… College strategy Development plans College sport strategy External plans
Your action points… AreaAction to takeWho else should be involved By When Further actions year 4 and 5 Understanding College policies and priorities Incorporating your delivery plan into those of others Raising awareness Identifying other potential funding sources Defining retention model