1 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC JWST S&OC Contract Peter Stockman TIPS March 20, 2003
2 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC S&OC Proposal Original Proposal submitted November 2001 Proposed cost comparable to unsolicited proposal, (330M w fee over 10 years) Project internal estimate: 140M (based largely on SMEX & MIDEX PI missions, inexpensive flight ops systems) Extended review of proposal assumptions with Project in spring Revised proposal submitted on schedule (16 Sept.) to meet 176M target. Reductions achieved by the following assumptions: Govt. provides groundstations -- probably DSN Govt. provides I&T test system as basis of flight operations ground system (STScI was to provide originally) Govt. provides SI, OTE, S/C flight ops analysts for launch + 1 yr Just-in-time development schedule (no phased development to support SI, OTE, S/C dev.) No operations or science I&T support for SI, OTE, S/C. Reduced support to Project and SIs but w. overguides
3 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Status of negotiations (began Jan. 15) Contract negotiations began in mid January Project puts back: management oversight, Project support, special studies, PRD Ops. (~ 5M) and fenced these costs off. Project poses a new Target of (without fee) AURA can meet new Project target: STScI roles are reduced significantly compared to HST (and Chandra and SIRTF experience) »SI support »Commissioning planning for SIs and spacecraft. »Calibration software »Calibration analysis Assumes TRW develops I&T system near that needed for flight ops. Reduced planning system capabilities: no linked observations, routine scheduling of parallel calibrations, manual planning of the weekly calendar Late GO funding for Cycle 1 (Grants office startup delayed) Contract will be revised after results of replan: reduced instrument complement?, delayed schedule.
4 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Key Assumptions SI s: The three JWST instruments will have the capabilities and complexity outlined in the ASWG and Project Scientists recommendations. In particular: -The NIRCam will be a wide field, infrared camera with a limited set of fixed-band filter combinations (<20) and several elements used exclusively for wavefront-sensing. -The NIRSpec will be a multi-object, single-order spectrograph with addressable apertures and a small number of fixed- position gratings (< 6). -The MIRI will have two elements: a camera with a small number gratings and potentially a fixed pupil mask and Lyot stop for coronagraphy; a slit spectrograph with R ~1500 and a small number of fixed-position gratings. -All three instruments will have a single target acquisition mode (including PEAKUP and/or PEAKDOWN). All three instruments will have a small number of common readout schemes (<3) and a common data format.
5 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC More Key Assumptions The S&OC systems will not support parallel activities. These include parallel calibration, pure parallel or coordinated parallel observations and parallel modes within instruments. Level 2 requirement is applicable to the Observatory. The Fine Guidance Sensor will be sufficiently capable to enable guide star availability and selection to be done in an automated fashion by the S&OC. This assumes a wide field, highly capable guider that can satisfy the Level II requirement ( ) for the 95% probability of guide star acquisition.
6 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Many Miscellaneous The peak flight to ground data rate will be 25 GB/day. Level 1 data products will be available at L+3 months. Level 2 data products will be available at L+6 months. Targets of Opportunity are not supported within the time period of this contract. Etc. (about 70 such assumptions)
7 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Current Status Technical aspects of contract appear to be satisfactory to NASA 2-3 week period to acquire needed signatures
8 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC Replan Status Challenge was to meet: Stringent budget limits in FY04-07 Launch date as close as possible to 2010 Overall cost of 1.6B NASA HQ has settled on Option 4i Launch in August 2011 About 110M cut in US instruments (down from ~ 160M) No MIRI 1/4 of NIRCam FOV, 1/8 NIRSpect FOV Reduced primary mirror area (but meets spec) Reduced testing plan Challenged Project to save 40-50M in other areas to help restore instruments.
9 Space Telescope Science Institute JWST S&OC SWG & Project Studies SWG considering merging NIRCam and Canadian FGS: Potential saving of accommodations (mass, computer) Elimination of short wavelength tunable filter Shared electronic and detector procurement Project finding it difficult to achieve matching savings Other possibilities: Loss or reduced short wavelength performance. Increased role for ESA in MIRI Emergency meeting for SWG in April 10,11