Summary Report Project Name: Medical Devices Interoperability Platform (MDIP) Brief Project Description: –MDIP is a software research and development project to develop open medical grade medical device integration platform that will enable transformative improvements in patient safety and the quality of healthcare delivery. Major milestones to date –Development and support of suitable open standards (e.g. ASTM F2761, Integrated Clinical Environment, or “ICE”)open standardsASTM F2761 –Elicitation, analysis, and modeling of clinical use cases and system engineering requirements for an open architecture instantiation of ICE as a platform and “ecosystem”clinical use cases –Pre-IDE submission to FDA in order to facilitate alignment of clinical, manufacturer, and FDA regulatory expectations –Implementation of prototype use cases in an open “sandbox” environment Projected milestones –Demo systems to illustrate points about interoperability –Facilitation of clinical and developer communities
Interface Library Project Boca Chart 1Q2013 Content We are posting code to We're figuring out how to best link in collaborators' work Both in the organizational link sense and in the software build sense Looking at Maven to tie together multiple respositories Projects include KState's MDCF, Penn/FDA GIP, MD PnP DoD-supported Data Logger HIMSS 2013 August Demo in DC Fall 2013 Open House HIMSS 2014 Coordinating with existing interoperability efforts Extend communication efforts Manufacturer buy-in Sharing code Build out MD PnP Lab Added Deleted & Changed Milestones Packaging Editions Dependencies Pressures Use Case Documentation NIST Data Logger Transition to (free) membership model Statistics
12 Month Rolling Plan Major Dates and Deliverables 1Q2013 1Q13 3Q13 2Q13 4Q13 1Q14 Open Sourciness Time Publishing code Demo Open House