TOEFL Speaking Exam Practice (2) 托福口說測驗練習 ( 二 ) By Christine Hsieh 2007/9/18.


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Presentation transcript:

TOEFL Speaking Exam Practice (2) 托福口說測驗練習 ( 二 ) By Christine Hsieh 2007/9/18

Outline 第一部份 : 獨立回答題 試題 第二部份 : 答題技巧 參考答案 參考資料

第一部份 : 獨立回答題 Listen for a question about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to record your answer.

試題 Some people think that it is better to travel as part of a tour group when they are visiting a foreign country. Other people prefer to make their own travel plans so that they can travel independently. Which approach do you think is better and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

第二部份 : 答題技巧 Taking notes to help you organize answers into the following parts. Topic sentence Supporting ideas Conclusion

參考答案 Answers for “Foreign Travel” - I like traveling alone because I can plan my own trip as I like. On my own, I can really enjoy the travel by spending my time in scenic spots that I like and getting more opportunities to talk to local people. I’ve taken several trips to foreign countries by myself with a lot of wonderful memories and terrific experience. As I like taking adventures all the time, I will continue to plan my own trips to foreign countries to create more valuable memories in the future.

Reference Pamela J. Sharpe 。 TOEFL iBT 聽說讀寫, 笛藤出版圖書有限公司, 2006 年 11 月。