Simon Lister Service Manager Doncaster & Rotherham Smoke Free Services
To provide an brief outline of the Service Level Agreement for the SWYPFT NRT voucher scheme and Varenicline PDG
Must be provided by a registered pharmacist Carry a stock of the NRT products and Varenicline listed on the vouchers Only dispense products to clients presenting with a valid voucher (valid for 28 days from the date of issue) Dispense Varenicline in accordance with the PDG The supplying pharmacist is responsible for the clinical care of the client
All products to be labelled in accordance with appropriate regulations. All products are free of charge to the client Maintain the Patient Medication Record of all supplies made through this scheme Ensure the GP copy of the voucher is sent to the GP in a timely manner Operate the service for at least 80% of the full pharmacy opening hours
NRT Drug tariff price plus £1.63 dispensing fee per item Varenicline Initial supply: drug tariff price plus £15 dispensing fee Subsequent supplies: drug tariff price plus £1.63 dispensing fee
Remuneration claims made via QuitManager All mandatory fields must be completed for claims to be processed Claims older than 3 months from the date of supply will not be accepted. Contractors will be paid monthly in arrears
Any questions? Thank you for listening