Computer Organization
This module surveys the physical resources of a computer system. Basic components CPU Memory Bus I/O devices CPU structure Instruction cycle Disk geometry
Basic Architecture u Processor (CPU) u Main Memory volatile u I/O devices secondary memory communications terminals u System interconnection a bus is used to exchange data and control information CPUMemory System Bus Disk Controller Network Controller Serial Device Controller
Interconnection: the bus u Conceptually, a collection of parallel wires, each of which is dedicated to carrying one of data address control (of access to the bus) u Only one component can “write” to a particular wire of the bus at a time data address control
CPU and the Memory u The Central Processing Unit (CPU) responsible for instruction execution determines how the memory is to be modified contains a few data container called registers u The Main Memory large collection of data containers each is labeled with a positive integer called its address u For each instruction, the CPU fetches input data from registers or memory, then writes output to a register or memory location
Central Processing Unit u Arithmetic logic unit (ALU) performs arithmetic and logic operations u Control unit reads and decodes instructions initiates execution of instruction by proper component u Registers some have special purpose CPU ALUControl PC IR PSW AR CP DP SP CL DL v0 a0s0s1s2s3
Fetch-Decode-Execute Cycle u The CPU is endlessly looping through these steps Actual steps will vary from processor to processor u Simple model 1. fetch the next instruction 2. decode the instruction & load its data from registers 3. execute the instruction 4. read from memory, or write to memory 5. write to registers
Device Controllers u Devices are not connected directly to the system bus u Each device has a device controller between it and the system bus u One controller may have multiple devices u For example: SCSI devices, IDE devices, USB devices CPUMemory System Bus Disk Controller Network Controller Serial Device Controller
I/O Devices u Each device has a buffer which mediates data transfer. u Transfer between memory and devices is limited by the size and speed of the data bus. u For example, though a disk reads data to its buffer one block at a time, transfer to memory is one word at a time. CPUMemory System Bus Device Controller buffer
Disk Structure u Disk drives are addressed as large 1-dimensional arrays of logical blocks, where the logical block is the smallest unit of transfer Like a big random-access file where each record is a logical block u The 1-dimensional array of logical blocks is mapped into the sectors of the disk sequentially. Sector 0 is the first sector of the first track on the outermost cylinder. Mapping proceeds in order through that track, then the rest of the tracks in that cylinder, and then through the rest of the cylinders from outermost to innermost.
Disk Device u Accessing data on disk requires waiting For the disk to spin to the proper location Rotational latency For the read/write heads to move to the proper location Seek time u Disk access is around times slower than memory access
Uniform sector mapping Track 2, Sector 7 Track 0, Sector 0 u Sectors stored in the outer tracks use more space to store the same number of bits as the inner tracks This is somewhat wasteful u The disk spins at a constant angular velocity rpm’s
Zoned Bit Density u The tracks are divided into zones There are more sectors in outer zones than in inner zones u This leads to a more efficient use of disk space u The disk still spins at a constant angular velocity But outer tracks have more bits per rotation, and so are read faster