Teachers can't burn out if they aren't on fire. ~ Anita Voelker Don't try to fix the students, fix ourselves first. The good teacher makes the poor student good and the good student superior. When our students fail, we, as teachers, too, have failed. ~ Marva Collins
NC Professional Teaching Standards
3 Expectations for Teachers Teachers demonstrate leadership Standard One Teachers establish a respectful environment Standard Two Teachers know the content they teach Standard Three Teachers facilitate learning for their students Standard Four Teachers reflect on their practice Standard Five Teachers facilitate student academic growth Standard Six
What Administrators Need to Know There is great alignment with professional standards and curriculum standards The expectations are high Fully online evaluation system Professional Development (Professional Learning) is key
Discussion Knowing what you know about CC and ES, what connections to the professional standards can we encourage with educators across the state? What challenges do you see that can be addressed with your support?
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: A BLENDED APPROACH 14 “ A combination of online and face-to-face learning that includes different combinations of technologies, pedagogies, and contexts.” (Graham, 2006; Stacey & Gerbic, 2001; Garrison and Vaughn, 2008) RESA Partnership Conferences Summer Institutes Online modules Professional Development System Virtual PLCs Face to FaceVirtual Professional Development
NC Professional Teaching Standards Module Released to LEAs on August 9,
ERD PD and Support: Section D (RttT)
Educator Recruitment and Development Title II Scholarships Scholarships and Loans Troops to Teachers Teacher Education National Board PD Professional Development PD Statewide Professional Development Regional Support RttT
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July Aug. Sept. Oct. Dec. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June RESA Session Summer Institute RESA Session RESA Session RESA Session RESA Session Formative Support Formative Support Formative Support Formative Support Formative Support Formative Support Annual Professional Development Cycle RttT PD Cycle of Support Educator Recruitment and Development
Contact Information ERD Directory Yvette Stewart Project Coordinator, Race to the Top Professional Development ofc