Creating Balance; Overcoming Stress
1. Quick-write, to be completed in your Notebook. 2. Intro to “Creating Balance,” managing stress in our lives. Notes on; What is stress? What causes stress? How can we relieve stress? How can we avoid unnecessary stress? 3. Workbook page 37
You shall; Learn how you can deal with stress. Learn methods to avoid unnecessary stress.
"Much of the stress that people feel doesn't come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they've started.“ Quoted from David Allen
What is stress?Stress is what you feel when you have to handle more than you are used to. What are the effects of stress on a person’s body? When you are stressed, your body responds as though you are in danger. It makes your heart beat faster, you breathe faster, and you get a burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-flight response. Can stress be useful?Some stress is normal and useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react quickly. For example, it can help you finish an important job on time. What are the long term effects of stress? Headaches, upset stomach, back pain, and trouble sleeping. It can weaken your immune system, making it harder to fight off disease. Your relationships may suffer, and you may not do well at work or school. Depression may occur.
Quick-write. Stamp your homework, Guidebook page 33 and Workbook pages Guidebook pages 34 & 35. Cornell Notes; How can you deal with stress? How can unnecessary stress be avoided? Workbook page 39, (Lesson 30 The Integrity Factor). What is your definition of success? What is your classmates’ definition of success?
“Life’s real failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up.” First interpret this quote and give a real life example that applies to you.
Are there ways to handle stress? Yes there are several ways to handle stress. Many people, including your teacher try several of these to relieve stress. Do you have a journal or diary? Writing is a good way to relieve stress. Writing in a journal or diary may be a good idea. Have you tried to talk about what is bothering you? Remember you have many people to talk to; family, friends, clergy, teachers, & counselors. Don’t be afraid to talk about what is on your mind. Have a hobby you enjoy.Doing something that you enjoy may help you relieve stress. You can read, draw, care for a pet, or try gardening. It can reduce stress and improve your health. Can exercise help reduce stress? Regular exercise is a great way to reduce stress. Activities such as yoga or walking are good ways to start.
Can my lifestyle help causes extra stress? Manage your time to do all the things you want to do and the things you need to do. Make sure you get enough sleep. Eat healthy everyday and try to exercise. It’s okay to find support. Remember, if you ever need some to talk to, you have help out there. Talk to your family, friends, or a counselor. Change your thinking. Thinking negatively can cause your body to stress out, even if there really isn’t anything to worry about. Remember to stay positive. Life could really be worse. Problem solvingOnly worry about the problems you can fix. Trying to solve problems you can’t fix will only cause stress you don’t need.
NameDefinition of Success