Tissues Not the ones you use to blow your nose!. Recap What is the study of tissues? What is a tissue?


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Presentation transcript:

Tissues Not the ones you use to blow your nose!

Recap What is the study of tissues? What is a tissue?

4 Major Types of Tissue

Epithelial (ET)

Connective (CT)

Muscle (MT)

Nervous Tissue (NT)

Epithelial Tissue (ET) Covers organs, lines body cavities and hollow organs Basement Membrane – underside of the ET that is nonliving and anchored to the CT No blood vessels – How do they get their nutrition?

ET Continued Divide often ET are classified according to their –Shape –number of layers of cells

Shapes of Epithelial Tissue Squamous Columnar Cuboidal Transitional

Number of Layers Simple Stratified Pseudostratified

Types of Epithelial Tissue 1)Simple Squamous Epithelium a)Line the alveoli (air sacs) of lungs where CO 2 and O 2 are exchanged.

Types of ET 2) Simple Cuboidal Epithelium a) Covers ovaries and lines most of the kidneys and many ducts

Types of ET 3) Simple Columnar Epithelium a)Non-ciliated – lines uterus and organs of the digestive tract b)Ciliated – ex line reproductive tubes to help move the egg to the uterus

Types of ET 4) Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium a) Line passageway of respiratory system b) Trap dust in mucous before they can enter the lungs.

Types of ET 5) Stratified Squamous Epithelium a) Outer layer of the skin (Epidermis) b) Lines mouth, throat and other openings that stay moist

Types of ET 6) Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium a) Lines ducts of mammary glands, sweat glands

Types of ET 7) Stratified Columnar Epithelium a) Found in male urethra and vas deferens and parts of the pharynx

Types of ET 8) Transitional Epithelium a) Lines urinary bladder, ureters and urethra

Types of ET 9) Glandular Epithelium a) Cells specialized to make and secrete substances into ducts or body fluids b) One or more of these constitutes a gland i) Exocrine Gland – exterior ii) Endocrine Gland – interior

Connective Tissue (CT) 2 nd Type of Tissue – 1 st was….?

Functions of CT Bind structures Provide support and protection Makes blood cells Store fat Repairs tissue

Description CT cells are further apart compared to epithelial cells.

Connective Tissue Made up of its cells and a network of intercellular materials called a MATRIX Vascular – Types of Cells: Fixed or Wandering Fixed – Fibroblasts, Mast Cells Wandering - Macrophages

Cells in Connective Tissue Fibroblasts –Most common –Large, star-shaped –Make fibers Mast Cells –Large –Usually located near blood vessels Macrophages –Defense

Label the type of CT cell.

Connective Tissue Fibers Fibroblasts make 3 types of CT Fibers. –Collagenous – most common, make collagen Make tendons and ligaments Dense Connective Tissue – very strong –Elastic – made of elastin, thin fibers Fibers – stretch easily and return to original shape –Reticular – most thin, made of collagen

Categories of Connective Tissue (6) 1) Loose Connective Tissue –Made up of fibroblasts –Binds skin to underlying organs

Categories of Connective Tissue 2) Adipose Tissue - - Found beneath skin, between muscles, around kidneys, behind eyeballs, abdominal membranes, heart and joints - What 2 things does fat do?

Categories of Connective Tissue 3) Dense Connective Tissue - Made of collagenous and elastic fibers - Binds body parts together

Types of Connective Tissue 4) Cartilage –Provides support, frameworks and forms structural models for developing bones

Types of Cartilage Hyaline –Most common –Made of collagenous fibers –Found on the ends of bones and joints, soft part of nose, trachea Elastic –Made of elastin fibers –Frameowrk for external ears and parts of larynx Fibrocartilage –Very tough – made of collagenous fibers –Serve as pads between each vertebrae, cushions knees and pelvis

Types of Connective Tissue 5) Bone –Most rigid connective tissue –Made of collagen –Osteocyte = bone cell

Types of Connective Tissue 6) Blood Transports substances Two parts: –Formed Elements Red Blood Cells, White Blood Cells, Platelets –Plasma Water and other solutes

Muscle Tissue Tissues that contract 3 Types of Muscle Tissue

Muscle Tissue Skeletal Muscle –Found in muscles that attach to. –Voluntary – –Striated – alternating light and dark cross- markings.

Muscle Tissue Smooth Muscle Tissue –Non-striated –Walls of hollow internal organs – stomach, instestine, urinary bladder, uterus, and blood vessels. –Involuntary

Muscle Tissue Cardiac Muscle –Heart –Striated –Involuntary


Nervous Tissue Cell – neuron (nerve cell) Neuron – senses certain types of changes in its surroundings Neuroglial Cell – supporting cell – helps bind the parts of nervous tissue together, carry on phagocytosis, supply nutrients to neurons.

Nervous Tissue Neuron