COMMUNICATION Dynamic Relations Nov 15-19 Week 13.


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Presentation transcript:

COMMUNICATION Dynamic Relations Nov Week 13

Dynamic Relations – Communication Day 1 Finish up on Role tree. Tape into your journals-label Journal #11. Due Today Read Communication 101. Read out loud the 10 commandments of listening

Split into groups of 4. Choose a picture, then one student has back to others, and will draw what he/she is told. Discuss…. Dynamic Relations – Communication Day 2 Sculpt your feelings on how the group communicated.

Communicate this drawing to the artist draw

Active listening/clarifying exercise Make the shape, two students working together, back to back. Dynamic Relations – Communication Day 3 Complete when you can’t ask the partner questions and when you can communicate the questions. Do this twice. Journal #11, Compare and contrast this activity to yesterday’s group activity.

Block day continued… Active Listening – guess what’s in the box. Follow directions on handout. Ask close ended questions first, then open ended. Which is more effective? Dynamic Relations – Communication Day 2 Community activity today should be communication based…

Communication Day 3 Carrot Discovery Pair up. One of the two meets in hallway. Each pair gets a carrot. Don’t alter carrot in any way. Place carrot on number. Partner #1 has 10 min. to explain everything about the carrot to partner # 2. I will change numbers to another number, but keep the key. Figure out which carrot was described. Find it, write down the number. When exercise is done, compare numbers. Matches win a treat!

Communication Day 4 Blindwalk Pair up, take a hall pass and a timer. 6 minutes in hall, 3 minutes per person. Leader is not blindfolded. Leader must communicate without touching, just issue verbal directions. DO NOT ENTER CLASSROOMS where class is in session, or go upstairs. No study halls, cafeteria or bathrooms. Return when timer rings the second time, JOURNAL 11 -write I liked, I would change, I had fun because and I hate….

What is an “I” Message? I feel _________________________________ (say your feeling) when you _____________________________ (describe the action) because _______________________________ (say why the action connects to your feeling) I messages clip Be Heard – Effective Communication

HOW TO RESOLVE CONFLICTS Without Fighting STEPS: 1. STOP. Don't let the conflict get worse. The less angry you are the easier it will be to solve the problem. 2. SAY what the conflict is about. What is causing the disagreement? What does each of you want or not want? 3. THINK of positive options. How could you meet each other's needs and be fair? 4. CHOOSE a positive option each of you can agree on. If you still can't agree, ask someone else (an outsider) to help resolve the conflict.

Resolving conflicts continued.., RULES: Agree to resolve the conflict. No name calling. Take turns talking. Don't interrupt. Be clear and truthful about what is bothering you and what you really need. Listen to the other person. Be sure you understand how he or she sees the problem. Use your brains, not your hands. Be willing to compromise (if that's appropriate).

Communication Nov 29-Dec1 Monday: Watch Video-Soul Mates Tuesday: Go to website: - answer the questions on the Wednesday Block: Speech patterns that create feelings, using I Messages, wkst 15 min. Which one do you respond to? Constructive vs. destructive communication? Pair up, and write a short skit on destructive and constructive communication. Skits should be created from a real life examples. Be ready to perform if called! 30 min. Role play… 20min.

Constructive and Destructive Communication Dating: Why do you need to communicate while dating? Create a list of 1-10 rules that you will or have followed through your dating experiences, IN YOUR JOURNAL! Due after lunch. (Journal #12?) 15 min. Read handout, on Dating Violence in prep for speaker on Monday Community – make a paper chain of qualities you want in a future date/relationship/spouse read yours, and attach to the next person’s in the circle.

Dating and tech… Video on Dating How do you meet others if you aren’t in school anymore? lunch and a date, internet, speed dating at restaurants What are some of the dangers? Monday, Speaker Alex Leslie, Rape Crisit Ctr Reminder Need a scrapbook or 3 ring binder with paper and dividers…

Tues Dec 7 th Love vs. Infatuation Relationship built on Love Knowing the person well Loving the person as a total personality Experiencing feelings of self- confidence, trust and security Facing problems frankly and attempting to solve them A protective, maturing, caring concern for the beloved Physical attraction relatively small part of the relationship Relationship based on infatuation: Love at first sight Being infatuated with one characteristic, blind to faults Feelings of guilt, insecurity, and frustration are frequent Being overprotective and suffocating, discouraging independence Problems tend to be disregarded or glossed over. Physical attraction is a large part of the relationship