How you see your sexuality? 1.Something to be discovered “with joy”? 2.Something that is part of who you are as a person? 3.Something that can only be freely given? 4.Something that can be taken from you? 5.Something that doesn’t really matter? 6.Something that is just physical? 7.Something that brings you into a new way of living, as part of another? 8.Something that makes no difference after it has been given? 9.Something you can do without meaning it? 10.Something you can never do without meaning it? Identify the statements that you agree with.
How you see your sexuality? To reflect on what sex means for us as human beings To consider ways in which we are “signs of God” To evaluate if sex for pleasure is destructive or not
Since you are made in the image of God, having sex should be -A Free choice -A reasoned decision -A good and loving act -An expression of self-awareness Giving your self away is the most valuable thing that you could ever give. Animals can’t do this – they don’t know that they are worth anything. For them, sex doesn’t matter. It is not the free gift of a person. I don’t really value myself. Sex doesn’t mean anything I don’t really care about myself I just want some temporary fun. I don’t really care about the other person. I want to be able to give myself completely to someone I want it to mean a lot when it happens I would not just let myself be used I believe that giving myself is the best I can give, so I would wait for the best person. 1. How is being made in the image of God, make a difference to how we use our bodies for sex? 2. Draw a scale like the one below 1-10 Where on the scale are you? Circle it. 3. What does using your sexuality mean to you? Explain where you put yourself on the scale and why. 4. Why are you not higher or lower on the scale than this? (so if you said you were a 3, why did you not put yourself down as a 1, or as a 10?) ** Why does having a good opinion of yourself make a difference to whether or not you use your body for sex?
Watch the video. What were the sketches saying? Couple saying goodnight The Laws of the Father The STD clinic The couple “Next Morning” The silver ring thing Young people choose to wear a silver ring to show they are waiting for the right person to come along. They carry on dating but they don’t let it go too far.
Does it matter how we use sex? how could using it in positive ways affect us? how could using it in a negative way affect us? Positive effects of sex Negative effects of sex