Mr. Chairman, I Nominate… Jesus Christ! Matthew 27:22 Matthew 16:26
Mr. Chairman, I Nominate… Who is Jesus Christ? John 1:1-3; 8:58 Luke 22:27 Matt.20:28 Heb.4:15 Rom.3:23 1 John 3:4 Eph.2:1-7 Heb.9:27 Acts 17:30-31 Phil.2:9-11 What is His record? Matt.11:28 John 1:12; 15:14 2 Tim.2:11-13 Rom.8:35-39 What are His promises? Gal.4:7 Matt.28:18-20 1 John 2:24-25 Mr. Chairman, I Nominate… Jesus Christ! Matthew 27:22 Matthew 16:26
What are His promises? Gal.4:7 Matt.28:18-20 1 John 2:24-25 Who is Jesus Christ? John 1:1-3; 8:58 Luke 22:27 Matt.20:28 Heb.4:15 Rom.3:23 1 John 3:4 Eph.2:1-7 Heb.9:27 Acts 17:30-31 Phil.2:9-11 What is His record? Matt.11:28 John 1:12; 15:14 2 Tim.2:11-13 Rom.8:35-39 What are His promises? Gal.4:7 Matt.28:18-20 1 John 2:24-25 What Will You Do With Him? Who Will Be The Ruler, Master, And Lord Of Your Life? Believe in Him as God’s Son (John 8:24) Repent of past sins; commit your life to Him (Luke 13:3) Confess your faith in Him (Matt.10:32-33) Be baptized to be saved (Mark 16:16) Abide in Him (John 15:1-8)