INTRODUCTION The Aztec tradition defies the common description of primal religious tradition The Aztecs had a great population (about 15 million) Many Aztecs were urban Aztec religion emphasized the interrelationship between myth and ritual Aztec religion was essential because it came before Catholicism Aztec influence can still be seen today in some modern Mexican religious practices
THE AZTECS AND MESOAMERICAN CULTURE Mesoamerica included most of present-day Mexico and extended downward to present-day Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica Native Americans arrived there about years ago This area has been home to Mesoamerican culture, which included civilizations such as the Olmec, the Maya, the Toltec, and the Aztec
THE TOLTEC TRADITION: THE FOUNDATION OF AZTEC RELIGION The Aztecs migrated to the region from the northwest, and were latecomers to Mesoamerica There were already great cultural achievements by the time they arrived, which offered the foundations for them to build their own civilization The strongest influence was from the Toltecs The Aztecs based their authority figures off of the Toltec god, Quetzalcoatl’s, earthly devotee, Topiltzin Quetzalcoatl Aztec children were taught to recite, “Truly with him it began, truly from him it flowed out, from Quetzalcoatl–all art and knowledge” (quotes in Carrasco, Religions of Mesoamerica, page 44)
TEOTIHUACAN: PLACE OF ORIGINS Quetzalcoatl was worshipped in the city of Teotihuacan long before the rise of the Toltecs Today Teotihuacan is mainly known for its monumental Pyramid of the Sun and Pyramid of the Moon Teotihuacan is the most visited archaeological site in the Americas Teotihuacan is located 30 miles northeast of Tenochtitlan (the capital city of the Aztecs) Aztec myth identified Teotihuacan as the origin of the entire cosmos, including space and time
TEOTIHUACAN: PLACE OF ORIGINS The myth goes as follows: It is told that when yet [all] was in darkness, when yet no sun had shone and no dawn had broken-it is said- the gods gathered themselves... There at Teotihuacan. They spoke... : “... Who will take it upon himself to be sun, to bring the dawn?” (Sahagun, Florentine Codex, book 7, part 8, page 4)
COSMOLOGY: TIME AND SPACE The Aztec’s cosmology was thoroughly interrelated with their pessimistic view of time, their perspective on the human condition, and their ritual of human sacrifice
AGE OF THE FIFTH SUN The Aztecs believed the sun was created at Teotihuacan They also believed that the present sun is the fifth sun. Four previous suns and their ages had already been destroyed. The only way of delaying the end of the age was to nourish the sun through human sacrifices. This pessimism was enhanced by the belief that the fifth sun was the last that would ever shine Each of the five suns occupied its own cosmic location: the center, the west, the north, the south, and the east (the fifth sun) The Aztecs believed the universe was built around this structure of the center plus four cardinal directions
FOUR DIRECTIONS AND THE AXIS MUNDI The Aztecs understood the spatial world as having four quadrants extending outward from the center of the universe These quadrants connected the earthly realm to the many-layered heavenly realm above and the many-layered underworld below Teotihuacan had been arranged that way, apparently with a cave as the original axis mundi The Aztecs designed Teotihuacan to be the center of their world. At the point where the four directions met stood the Great Temple, known by the Aztecs as Serpent Mountain Worship at Serpent Mountain was devoted to a god of fertility and rain and to a god of war and sacrifice patia
THE HUMAN ROLE IN SUSTAINING THE COSMOS Aztecs see nature as connected to the super-natural Earth: living 2 divine forces: 1.Head 2.Heart They are nurtured by human beings with basic needs Humans: seen as axis mundi (center of the world) One reason for human sacrifice: Human body was nourishment for the sun and the cosmos
THE HUMAN ROLE IN SUSTAINING THE COSMOS Different ways humans sustained the Cosmos 1.Sacred topography 2.Cosmology, divination and calendar 3.A pantheon (gods) of life-sustaining forces and divine beings 4.The preservation of nature through ritual and sacrifice 5.Earth's vegetation, plants and flowers
New fire is drilled on a victim's chest with a fire drill (Cordex Borgia) Ometecullis and Omeciuatu place the human soul into a lifeless skull (Codex fejerwary- Mayer) Tlazolteotl (with flayed skin) gives birth to Cinteotl (Codex Borbonicus)
THE RITUAL OF HUMAN SACRIFICE Aztecs believed they owed everything every thing to the gods Sacrifices were made to increase food supplies or provide good weather through divine means As well as humans, animals were also sacrificed Sacrifices: some Aztecs would cut themselves or execute other Aztecs or prisoners from war Ritual: The prisoner was pressurized into walking up the stairs of the temple. When they got to the top, priests fell on them, put them on sacrificial stone and cut open their stomach from the throat to the stomach. Then they would rip out their heart to offer it to the gods. Then the bodies were either pushed down the stairs or the body was lowered and four men carried it. When the body reached the bottom, the body would be pulled apart or moved away depending on the ritual. The head was hung on the skull rack.
THE RITUAL OF HUMAN SACRIFICE Heart: gave a lot of divine force which was offered as food to the sun Head: given to the sky The warrior's willingness to be sacrificed: he has accepted his role in carrying the delicate Cosmo and this role allows him to enter the highest heaven upon death Sacrifices similar to this happened once every twenty days Victims: became slaves (sometimes included women and children) Human sacrifice was a means to please the gods and it helped the Aztecs avoid disaster
A picture taken from the Codex Mendoza, created by native scribes for the Spanish in , showing a ritual Aztec sacrifice.
THE MASTERY OF LANGUAGE Being rich gave the Aztecs ways of carrying out religious needs Spiritual forces were communicated through the comprehension of speech "Knowers of things" could communicate with the gods and make contributions through language which is another way of sacrificing They can also make donations to the gods instead of sacrifice The Aztecs spoke Nahuatl (nay'wah-tuhl) which is a language that is naturally expressive
THE MASTERY OF LANGUAGE It is capable of huge achievements in poetry and other types of speech The Aztecs liked intelligence and jokes They used riddles frequently while speaking If you knew how to answer the riddle then they assume that you came from a good family Riddles: ○ What is it that is a small gourd bowl filled with popcorn? ○ What is that which we enter in three places and leave only by one?
Ancient literature of the Mesoamerican religion