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Wouldn’t it be great if all your equipment, software and devices worked together, right out of the box? thinks so, too.
Benefits Standards-based interfaces Reliable and accurate data transmission Reduced cost of product development, installation and maintenance Alert Communication Management
Notification of Alarms and Advisories with response prompts Immediate notification to all appropriate staff on their assigned devices Permits acceptance, escalation, etc.
Alert Reporter (AR) Alert Communicator (AC) PCD Alert (PCD-04) Alert Manager (AM) Disseminate Alert (PCD-06) Disseminate Alert Status (PCD-07) Alert Communication Management (ACM) Alert Source HL7 Messages per ACM & WCM profiles Parameters, waveforms, etc. as evidentiary data items Device specific graphics
Automated communication of Alarms and Advisories to clinicians Equipment condition and status included with alert Accurate time stamps Benefits to Organization and Patients
Reduced cost through efficient, accurate and timely notification Assist in JC NPSG compliance with documentation, time stamps Aid in adverse event investigation Benefits to Organization and Patients
DEC Device Enterprise Communication PIV Point of Care Infusion Verification IPEC Infusion Pump Event Communication ACM Alert Communication Management DMC Device Management Communication LS Location Services Profiles IHE PCD Profiles used in Demonstrations
IHE PCD Proud Participants