Texas Lions Camp Kerrville
Why did I get involved ?
Mission To provide, without charge, a camp for children who have physical disabilities, type 1 diabetes, and cancer from the State of Texas; regardless of race, religion or national creed. Company Overview * TLC is a Texas, non-profit organization * Dedicated to the perpetual enjoyment of children who have special medical conditions. Goal * Campers maximum potential with activities * Improve their own self-esteem * Help kids learn the skill of helping others
What makes camp so special ? Dedicated Administration Staff Enthusiastic counselors !!
Medical Staff
Who Are We ? Team Players for the Kids!!
Responsibilities BG Checks Insulin Injections Insulin Charting Meal Carb Counts Activity Coverage Staff Meetings Medical Education Midnight Checks
Campouts Are Cool
Love from the Lions !! Insulin Syringes Glucagon Kits Pens IV Starters Meters Test Strips Alcohol Glucose Tabs
Age Appropriate Activities
Matt Gibson - Eagle Scout Project
Special Needs Counselors
Incredible Leo’s !!
Type One can be Type None
Graduation at 15