Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 The Observatory of Rural Development A new collaborative web-service initiated.


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Presentation transcript:

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 The Observatory of Rural Development A new collaborative web-service initiated in France in 2009 by the INRA* Rural Seuca August 2010 * National Institute for Research on Agriculture

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 What is INRA ?  The INRA initiated this observatory  INRA is a National institute (i.e. public) dedicated to research in Agriculture  This institute is connected to all the French other public services dedicated to Agriculture and rural development  This allowed the partnerships at the basis of this new observatory

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 What are the principles of this new Observatory of Rural Development ?  This observatory was initiated in January 2009 : it is a new web-service  It aims to gather figures and informations about Agricultural and agro-environmental policies Agricultural activities Rural development.  It also welcomes access to two complementary observatories : The observatory of European Programs for Rural Dévelopment The observatory of rural and agriculture work

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 Tools of the ORD (interactive)  Dynamic cartography  List of thematic files  List of geographical data  List of the primary data  Fast chart  Wiki ORD  Programs ORD  Generic tools

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 How does the Observatory (ORD) work ?  The partners of the ORD are responsible for various programs open to the users of the ORD  These programs are gathered in 5 networks 1. Research 2.Evaluation 3. Territory 4.Work 5.Signs of quality

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca networks in the ORD ResearchINRA, CEMAGREF, CNRSTool « Carto dynamics » (see later slide) EvaluationORD, INRA, ASPEvaluation of rural policies (PDRN2008, PHAE, PDRH…) Rural statictical data Maps of administrative zones TerritoryParntership with the Observatory of Farming activities in territories Sharing methods and tools produced by the members of the network WorkMSA (Social farming insurance), INRA Data on work in rural area and farming activities Statistic Social conditions… Signs of quality INAO, INRAEvaluating the impat of the policies promoting official signs of quality

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 Partnerships and access  The ORD platform allows to store various data bases independently, belonging to various suppliers The access is limited and controled Visitors can read the front pages But they can access to the data only if they are registered User name Password

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 For any visitor  Any registered visitor has an access to The list of the available data The tables of the public data, which are directly exportable Some maps, statistical tables Some scientifical results dedicated to part of the registered users Documents related to public policies and public support (thanks to a “wiki” systems for the research of the documents)

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 For specific registered users  Specificaly registered users can additionnaly Create a project to deal with the data. Some reserved data can then be put at his disposal after agreement. Adjust the scale and the territory of those data, then publish or save them Proceed to some simple statistical calculations

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 Data, maps and charts  The data-bases available on the ORD open the possibility to create indicators, which then can be published thanks to easily consultable tools.  The tables and charts are dynamic (adjustable on various types of territory) and exportable  This data-mapping is one of the important services offered by the ORD. It is called (in French) « Carto Dynamique »

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 Example of map generated by « Carto dynamique » Data charted by « Carto Dynamique » Selecting a region on the map allows to open a new page showing this area It is still possible to come back to the upper geographical level by selecting « Chose a level » in the menu Legende for the selected data

Edition : Catherine Darrot Presentation : Marie-Luce Ghib Rural Seuca 2010 To visit the web-site of the Observatory Contact : Gilles Allaire the initiator of the ORD Directeur d'unité de la structure Observatoire des Programmes Communautaires de Développement Rural