Project HelpCenter Tom Platteau Institute of Tropical Medicine Antwerp
History of HelpCenter Until 2005: partner of CAW Metropool Psycho-social and medical aid for sexual and reproductive health issues. From 2006 on: partner of ITM to improve access to HIV-test Free of charge consultation and HIV-test External service, not located at ITM Priority changes towards: Accent on HIV-test (and STI-tests), Reaching specific target groups (MSM, SAM) No long-term follow-up.
Main goal: Secondary HIV- prevention Increase the number of people living with HIV (PLWH) Who are aware of their HIV-serostatus With access to Health care Preventive care Who adopt and maintain preventive behavior for HIV and sexually transmittable infections (STI) Improve preventive behavior among HIV-negative people with high risk behavior.
Secondary goals Generate recommendations On a policy level For political decision makers On a sociological level For specific (sub-)cultures On an organizational level For a standard of care for health care providers.
Staff of HelpCenter Receptionist Social nurse Medical doctors Sexologist Coordinator
Method Low threshold consultations for sexual health care: HIV- and STI-tests (anonymously on demand); Consultations for complaints and questions on STI, pregnancy, contraception, safe sex, … Psychological and sexological advice and treatment; Confidential counseling on sexual problems; An approach that takes intercultural aspects into account, as well as the socially weak position of women, young people and migrants.
Target Groups Migrants from Africa, Asia, Central and South-America, Eastern- and Central Europe… People with a difficult access to regular health care (young people, difficult relationship with GP) People with high-risk sexual behavior People who are seeking an anonymous HIV- or STI-test
Activities Medical consultations Sexological consultations Operational research (to generate policy guidelines) Specific projects: Rapid HIV-test since June 2007 Outreach testing in preparation phase
Co-operation HIV-SAM: “Muungano” in HelpCenter (patient-group for African migrants living with HIV) Attendance of an African doctor to provide culturally sensitive counseling at HelpCenter Sensoa: Publicity towards MSM Others: De Acht, AZG, CLB,…
Results January - June 07 Medical consultations: 274 patients 159 patients had HIV-test (58%) 532 patient contacts Mean: 20,5 consultations per week
HIV-test January – June 07 159 patients had HIV-test 88 males, 71 females 1 test HIV-positive 38 (23,9%) had an anonymous test 121 (76,1%) not anonymous
HelpCenter patients Health Insurance (N=266)
HelpCenter patients Origin (N=274)
African patients Total of African patients: 45 Sex of African patients: 14 male 31 female 25 African patients had HIV-test (11 male, 14 female) Anonymous vs not anonymous: 2/25 (8%) vs 23/25 (92%) Percentage anonymous among African patients (8%) < overall percentage (23,9%)
African patients Reasons for consulting HelpCenter
African patients Reason for having an HIV-test
Conclusions HelpCenter reaches its socially vulnerable target group: 40% has no health insurance Anonymous testing is, in contrary as expected, more requested by people with health insurance (socially less vulnerable). Therefore, fixed sum (€20) for anonymous STI check-up is requested. Additional efforts to reach target groups in order to increase number of tests are necessary.
Acknowledgements Kristien Wouters Christiana Nöstlinger Filip Moerman Chris Van Ghyseghem Ilse Collier