Oxford Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub- Committee Presentation by Oxford City PCT 24 th January 2006
This presentation Addresses the specific points raised in the scrutiny report to the Board Confirms the PCT Board decision on the city centre LIFT proposals on 23 rd January 2006
Section 11 – adequacy of cohort adequacy of the cohort Refer to the additional information supplied to the committee from Public Health Resource Unit & the external validation report The qualitative data provides a depth of data on which to base robust assumptions of the impact of each option and therefore to influence decision making
Section 11 – student consultation Student consultation –Refer to letter from students union representative. Method agreed on his and his predecessors advice, after discussion about the merits of ing all students External validation view is that the PCT undertook robust consultation with the wider community, including students.
Section 11 – Public involvement selecting the Options Further information provided in information collated by PCT Public and Patient Involvement officer Specifically –Patient Survey - September 2004 –Public meeting – –Option appraisal event PPIF supports the consultation process
Section 11 – GP Information/consultation At meetings with GP representatives of all practices involved in Beaumont Street, King Edward Street and Jericho Health Centre on 20 th January all specific questions were addressed by the PCT and all information that it was possible to supply had be given. Consultation with GPs is ongoing
Sexual Health Services Having listened to the concerns of the committee, we wish to respond by commissioning a range of open access clinics in East Oxford/Blackbird Leys to match the level of clinic service provided at the time of the move of the Alec Turnbull Clinic, to coincide with the opening of the new East Oxford Health Centre. Given additional services already in place in East Oxford i.e. new school-based services in Peers School, Cheney School and Oxford Community School, and free emergency contraception and increased use of general practice in the area, this will greatly increase provision in East Oxford compared with the service in 2003
Sexual Health Services We have commenced a process with sexual health service providers including GUM and FPS to –Determine the best location during the transitional phase –Review the county wide agreed sexual health strategy for hub and spoke services
Diagnostics Refer to the paper tabled at the meeting 12 th January OSC will be provided with the additional financial capacity modelling for all services as the stage one business case is developed for strategic health authority approval Beyond stage one there will be on going further modelling to be carried out. A process which OSC will be involved in.
PCT Board Decision Having taken into account the views of –Health Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee –PPIF –Professional, GP and staff views and –External validation report Option one be approved
Option one approval A single site solution on the Radcliffe Infirmary site with GP practices and additional services in the health complex with the following additions; –That a health impact assessment is undertaken to enable the PCT to address as many of the access issues as possible raised in the public consultation –That the PCT commits to ensure primary care services are continued in west oxford and to explore options of improved facilities within the west end development The Board also noted that the number of practices likely to relocate onto the Radcliffe Infirmary site is not confirmed
Conclusion We hope that this helps the committee with its final decisions. Specifically that you are satisfied with the consultation and that our proposal is in the interests of the health service in the area. We anticipate many future discussions on the future of Primary care and our SSDP is reviewed and implemented.