R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS PERSONAL STATEMENTS Paul Dunton - Outreach Officer
R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS Background UCAS (Universities & Colleges Admissions Service) Choose 5 courses Personal Statement Reference Apply online £12/£23
R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS University Timeline
R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS What is a Personal Statement? Your opportunity to tell universities and colleges about your suitability for the course(s) that you hope to study. You need to demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment, and above all, ensure that you stand out from the crowd.” UCAS
R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS The Basics You only complete one Personal Statement Length: Up to 4,000 characters or 47 lines of text (approximately 600 words) UCAS Apply does not have a spell-check It must be your own work
R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS Why you want to do that course? How much you know about the subject? Why you want to study it further? What your career aspirations are? Have you thought about?
The Three Sheet Method
Are you a member of any groups/clubs? What are your interests and hobbies? Success at school/college Do you have any work experience? What are your proudest achievements? Things to include SHEET ONE Nothing is too small an example to include at this stage!
SHEET TWO Leadership and teamwork Communication and presentation Problem analysis and solving Managing pressure Specialised subject knowledge Working to a deadline Planning and organising The Perfect Student What skills are specific to your course?
Do’s and Don’ts Do show enthusiasm and commitment Do check your spelling and grammar Don’t repeat yourself Do take your time and get it right Do organise your statement into a logical structure making sure it reads well SHEET THREE
R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS Grab the readers attention from the start… “Ever since I accidentally burnt holes in my pyjamas after experimenting with a chemistry set on my 8th birthday, I have always had a passion for science.” Medicine Applicant “ Earlier this year I was involved in a car accident, and as I sat among the wreckage I was shocked to see that not one person stopped to help me. Didn’t anyone care enough to help? If it weren’t for the science of Psychology, this and so many other questions would go unanswered.” Psychology Applicant
R= 112 G= 47 B= 138 R= 241 G= 180 B= 52 R= 206 G= 0 B= 55 R= 0 G= 169 B= 224 R= 0 G= 191 B= 179 R= 166 G= 187 B= 200 R= 176 G= 138 B= 66 R= 181 G= 189 B= 0 R= 159 G= 174 B= 229 R= 0 G= 51 B= 102 R= 66 G= 182 B= 230 Top line palette Education palette Undergrad Postgrad ALSS HSCE MS S&T LAIBS …and keep it up to the end Rather than… “I am looking forward to my time studying illustration” Use … “I want to become a professional illustrator and I am very determined to make the most of a degree course that will help me achieve my ambition.”
Have I finished? Are my goals well articulated? Have I explained why I want to study the course? Do I demonstrate knowledge about the course? Have I given evidence for the relevant skills and attributes that make me stand out? Does it read well? Have I asked for feedback? If the answer to all of the above is ‘yes’, then you have the makings of a good personal statement!