Vocabulary 1.Country of origin : 2.Present address : 3.Marital status : 6.Block capital : Tình trạng hôn nhân 4.Occupation : Chữ viết hoa Chổ ở hiện tại Nghề nghiệp Quê quán 5.Applicable :Thích hợp, phù hợp
Task 1:Answer the following questions : 1.On what occasions do you have to fill in a form? 2.What sort of information do you often have to provide when you fill in a form?
Task 2:Matching 1.First name 2.Surname 3.Date of birth 4.Country of origin 5.Present address 6.Marital status 7.Occupation a.What do you do? b.Where are you living at the moment? c.Are you married or single? d.What’s your first name? e.When were you born? f.What’s your surname? g.Where were you born?
Task 3: Form ask you to do certain things. Do the following: 1.Write your name in block capitals. NGUYEN THI KIM LINH 2. Sign your name: ……………… 3. Delete where not applicable I’m a student/ employee/ employer 4. Put a cross if you are male 5. Put a tick if you are female.. X
THE OAK TREE SCHOOL OF ENGLISH ENROLMENT FORM PLEASE WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS Mr./Mrs./Miss* Surname ………….. First name ……………………. Date of birth ……………… Nationality ……………….. Language (s) ………………………. Address in your country ……………………… Occupation ………………… Reason for learning English: Business/Pleasure/Exams/Others* (if others, please specify) ……………….. How many hours a day do you want to stay at the school?………………… What date do you want to start? …………… * Delete where not applicable NGUYEN January 1 st, 1988 Vietnamese Vietnamese, English, and Chinese 15, Kham Thien Street, Hanoi student BAO HUNG 4 hours May 22 nd, 2006 Task 3: fill in the form
NameDate of birth Place of birth Male/ female Home address phone..... ….. …. Task 4 : Find someone who
Homework Fill in the following form: Parent information: Name of father or mother: ………………………… Age: ………………. Profession:………… Home address:……………………………… Office address:…………………………….. Telephone:…………….. Mobile phone:…………..