91 Express Lanes Kirk Avila Treasurer/General Manager
Background The 91 Express Lanes is a four lane, 10-mile toll road The toll road cost approximately $135 million to construct and opened in December 1995 The toll road was constructed by the California Private Transportation Company, LLC (CPTC) The State of California granted CPTC a 35-year Franchise Agreement to own and operate the toll road
OCTA’s Purchase Acquired the 91 Express Lanes on 1/3/03 Required tolling legislation $207.5 million purchase price Removed Non-Compete provisions Created an Advisory Committee comprised of Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino county representatives
OCTA’s Toll Policy Adopted by the OCTA Board of Directors in July 2003 Traffic volumes are monitored on an hourly basis Policy establishes trigger points to adjust tolls up or down, depending on traffic volume and compliance with covenants Policy includes COLA annual adjustments and three ride free Board of Directors and customers are notified at least ten days prior to an adjustment
Current Toll Schedule – October 2011
Revenue Distribution Westbound LanesEastbound Lanes
Traffic Volumes Since 2004
Total Revenues Since 2004 Fiscal Year
Conclusions Congestion management pricing philosophy has increased mobility in the SR 91 Corridor The precise formulas in OCTA’s toll policy helps public acceptance Successful public private partnership based on contracts with the private sector OCTA is working with the SR 91 Advisory Committee and Caltrans to increase the capacity in the SR-91 corridor OCTA is also working with the Riverside County Transportation Commission on their plans to extend the 91 Express Lanes into Riverside County