10CSC7 13 Here-Turi-Kōkā 2015 What we will do What we will learn Preliminaries and rollHow to start well Make a distance/time graph from our ticker timer by using: A ruler A data table Some graph paper How to actually make a d-t graph from scratch That our d/t graph will tell our story back to us If time, introduce the second sort of graph – the velocity/time graph The second sort of graph we are expected to know at high school Use the moving man and, if available, the motion sensor, to “get our heads around” vel/time graphs Just how different the vel/time and dist/time graphs are Describe motion from given graphsHow to interpret information from graphs
HW item Skills practiced Scipad pages Due already DNA and genetics Scipad pages 10, 11, 12, 14 Due Zenday 37 th of Octember Atoms and atomic structure Topic Test: Atomic Structure Wed 22 April 2015 Atoms and atomic structure Scipad pages but not 72, 73, Due Fri 5 th of June 2015 Electrical Circuits
Time (s)Distance (mm)