Practice: 1. The electronic structure of an atom of an element in Group 6 of the Periodic Table could be: A 1s 2 2s 2 2p 2 B 1s 2 2s 2 2p 4 C 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 6 4s 2 D 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 4s 2 4p 6 2.
Electron configuration & chemical properties Key Words: Periodic law Groups Periods Transition metals Metalloids Lanthanides Actinides Objectives: -electronic structure determines the chemical properties of an element -periodic table is divided into blocks Outcomes: D: recall that chemical properties are related to electronic structure - Know the blocks of the periodic table A-C: -Know the chemical properties of: -s-block elements -d-block elements -p-block elements
Periods & groups: The reactivity of an element, and how it combines with other elements, is determined by its arrangement of electrons in its outer shell The periodic table arranges elements in order of their atomic number Groups: the vertical columns in the periodic table Periods: the horizontal rows in a periodic table
All the elements in a period have the same number of electron shells. So, the elements in each group and period show particular characteristics and trends in their chemical and physical properties Periodic Law: the properties of the elements are a function of their atomic numbers
Blocks BlockGroupsSubshell: s1 + 2Outer electrons in s subshells p Outer electrons in p subshells dTransitional metals Outer electrons in d subshells fLanthanides + actinides Outer electrons in f subshells
s-block elements Reactive metals Lower melting temperature Lower boiling temperature Lower density Conduct electricity Include hydrogen and helium – but usually treated as a separate group. Than other metals
d-block elements Called Transitional metals Less reactive that Group 1+ 2 metals – this is because the inner d orbital is being filled while the outer s orbital is full All conduct electricity and heat Are shiny, and hard Ductile – pulled into shape Malleable – hammered into shape Mercury is the only exception – low melting temperature liquid at room temperature
f-block elements Lanthanides – are all similar Actinides – all radioactive – Only the actinides up to uranium are naturally occurring – The others have all been synthesises by scientists and have extremely short half-lives
p-block elements All the non-metals and metalloids Include Tin and Lead – Form positive ions – Form ionic bonds with non-metals Many metals in p block do not have strong metallic characteristics – All conduct heat and electricity – Called post transitional metals generally unreactive
Metalloids occur in a diagonal block Mostly like non-metals Conduct electricity – but poorly Silicon and germanium are responsible for microchips Non-metals all form covalent bonds with other non-metals & ionic bonds with metals Majority do not conduct electricity Some elements form giant covalent structures
Trends in the Periodic Table Key Words: Atomic radius Ionisation energy Melting temperature Objectives: -Understand trends in the periodic table Outcomes: D: understand and describe the trends in the periodic table A-C: Explain the trends in the periodic table ionization energy based on given data or recall of the shape of the plots of ionization energy versus atomic number using ideas of electronic structure and the way that electron energy levels vary across the period. - melting temperature of the elements based on given data
Key Words Ionization energy: the amount of energy it takes to strip away the first electron Electronegativity: a measure of how tightly an atom holds onto its outer shell electrons Nuclear charge: the attractive force between the positive protons in the nucleus and the negative electrons in the energy levels. The more protons, the greater the nuclear charge. Shielding: inner electrons tend to shield the outer electrons from the attractive force of the nucleus. The more energy levels between the outer electrons and the nucleus, the more shielding.
Atomic radius: measure of the size of atoms, usually measured from the nucleus to the outer shell Ionic radius: the size of ions
Key points: Across periodic table: elements gain electrons Down a group : elements gain electron shells. This changes the diameter of atoms which affects their physical and chemical properties
The atomic radius generally decreases across a period: The nuclear charge becomes increasingly positive as the number of protons in the nucleus increases. The number of electrons also increases BUT they are all in the same shell This means that they are attracted more strongly to the nucleus – so reducing the atomic radius across a period
The atomic radius generally increases down a group: The outer electrons enter new energy levels down a group So, even though the nucleus has more protons, the electrons are further away and they are screened by more electron shells. So, they are not held so tightly and the atomic radius increases
Atoms to ion: The atomic radius changes when atoms form ions Positive ions always have a smaller ionic radius that the original atom. – Because: the loss of electron(s) means that the remaining electrons each have a greater share of the positive charge of the nucleus so are more tightly bound – And when an ion in formed, a whole ion shell is usually lost
Negative ion has a larger atomic radius than that of the original atom even though the extra electrons are in the same electron shell, the addition of the negative charge means that the electrons are less tightly bound to the nucleus So the atomic radius is larger
Periodic Trends in Ionisation Energy: Then more tightly held the outer electrons, the higher the ionisation energy 3 main factors affecting ionisation energy of an atom: The attraction between the nucleus & the outermost electron – decreases as the distance between them increases reducing the ionisation energy The size of the positive nuclear charge - a more positive nucleus has a greater attraction for the outer electron so higher ionisation energy Inner shells of electrons repel the outer electron, screening or shielding it from the nucleus - the more electron shells there are between the outer electrons and the nucleus, the less firmly held the outer electron is lower ionisation energy
Ionisation energy & periods: Ionisation energy increases across a period It becomes harder to remove an electron This is because: Increasing positive nuclear charge across the period o Without the addition of extra electron shells to screen the outer electrons The atomic radius gets smaller & electrons are held more firmly – so it requires more energy to make ionisation happen The end of each period is marked by the high ionisation energy of a noble gas – this is a result of a stable electronic structure & indicates their unreactive natures
(b) shows that First ionisation energies do not increase smoothly across a period This is because of subshells within each shell E.g: the first ionisation energy of Be is larger than B, Mg has a larger first ionisation energy than Al – why? – For Be or Mg, an electron must be removed from a full s-shell. – Full subshells are particularly stable – so it requires more energy than removing a single p electron from B or Al
Nitrogen & phosphorous have unexpectedly high first ionisation energies: – They both have a half-full outer p subshell. – Half full subshells seem to have greater stability – So requires more energy Ionisation energy decreases down a group – it becomes easier to lose an electron
Patterns in physical properties The physical properties are closely linked to the structure and bonding of atoms Melting temperature: the temperature at which the pure solid is in equilibrium with the pure liquid, at atmospheric pressure. – this is affected by the packing & binding of atoms within a substance – It changes as you go across a period
The relatively high melting temperatures of the metals (e.g. Li, Mg, Al) are due to their metallic structure. – The atoms are held tightly together is a ‘sea of electrons’ – It takes a lot of energy to separate them Giant molecular structures (metalloids-silicon, carbon-in form of diamond): – Strong covalent bonds between atoms which hold them tightly in a crystal structure – Very difficult to remove individual atoms – So very high melting temperature
Simple molecular structures: – Most non-metals found on right of periodic table – Small, individual molecules – Strong covalent bonds within molecules – But, molecules are held together by weak intermolecular forces – Can be separated easily – Low melting temperature