**2013 School Year - 7 th, 8 th, 9 th & 10 th Graders **Enrolled EHS High School Band 2016 **Paid Chaperones
If we have instruments to Make a full band !!
Disney Trip Itinerary Example
How much? Approx. $900 – 1000 Total Down Payment $100 by March Concert ( approx. $20/month until March) – Commitment to go Monthly Payment $20 per month (until March 2016 = $480 +$100 = $580) $30 per month (until March 2016 = $720 + $100 = $820) $40 per month (until March 2016 = $960 + $100 = $1060) (Print and fill out a Disney Deposit Slip off the web site) Fundraisers? partial scholarship money & reduced costs per student ** Interested in Carl’s Jr. Fundraiser?** George Amph-itheather Concert Fundraiser
( Click on ‘‘Disney Trip Notes’ on the left hand bottom) By Mail: Ellensburg Band Parent Group PO Box 1274 Ellensburg WA Disney Co-Chairs Patti Adkisson or Kerri Larson Ellensburg Band Parent Group Meeting 2 nd Tuesday of every month 6:30pm at the HS Band Room