بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Ministry of Ministers Central Bureau of Statistics SUDAN The Base of a Sound Decision
Evaluation of 1993 Census Data Somaia Khalid Elkhair Omer Director of Field work Operation 5 th Population Census Somaia Khalid Elkhair Omer Director of Field work Operation 5 th Population Census Presented by:
Sudan Population Density 1993 Area of Sudan600 mio Feddan Agricultural Land200 mio Feddan Non- Agricultural Land180 mio Feddan Forests220 mio Feddan Population density 26.5 Population density 26.5 person/km² respect to Agricultural Land) (respect to Agricultural Land) Largest Country in Africa2.5 mio km² Population25 mio person Average population density9.8 person/km² Density: Khartoum State 169 person/km² Northern State3 person/km²
Population Census in Sudan First census 1955/6 Second census 1973 Third census 1983 Fourth census 1993 Fifth census 2008
Care was taken to collect information as accurate as possible there are expected errors in the data ( arising from a number of sources ) Due to resource constraints a PES could not be carried out Therefore it was proposed to examine the results of the 1993 census with regard to its coverage and contents by: comparison with 1983 census application of various analytical techniques ( testing consistency of results ) Evaluation of 4 th Census 1993
Evaluation of Census Data Growth Rate Sex Ratio Age Distribution
Growth Rate Total Sudan GR2.89 North Sudan GR3.22 N. Sudan Settled4.39 N. Sudan nomads-11.4
Evaluation of Growth Rate GR for Sudan as a whole is consistent with our expectations GR in Red Sea state is for males for females under count of nomadic population in 1993 census or over count of nomadic population in 1983 census Excluding the nomad GR in Red Sea is 6.5 The GR rate for the remaining Northern states are acceptable
Sex Ratio Sex Ratio in Sudan SR in 1955 is 102 SR in 1973 is 102 SR in 1983 is 104 SR in 1993 is 101 SR in 2008 is 103 The Sex Ratio:- follow a consistent pattern
Nomadic Population Growth Rate for Nomad:GRYear _
The frame for the census count of nomads was the list provided by the nomadic sheikhs The (-)ve GR observed for implies: the 83 figures of nomads is on the high sideor due to under count or miss classification of nomadic population as settled population Nomadic Population
Age is often estimated: by the enumerator or by the respondent themselves on the basis of historical events 1993 census indicated: strong preference for certain digits ending 0 and 5 lesser extend digits ending 2 and 8 avoiding odd digits such as 1,3,7,9 Age Distribution
Measures of age heaping: Whipples Index:- Sex Males Females Index shows that age data for Sudan should be regarded as very rough Age data for females is less accurate than for males Age Distribution
Myer’s Index: Sex MI 83 MI 93 Males Females MI for Sudan is higher than: Zambia India Libya which are close to 10 (indicating greater inaccuracy in age reporting) Age Distribution