EDAD 202 – The Educator Prof. Noni M. Reis Educational Leadership Spring 2010
202 A– The Instructional Leader Prof. Noni M. Reis San Jose State University Spring, 2010
Ed.Ad. 202 Agenda—Jan. 26, 2010 Welcome, Check In, Announcements Overview of Course Introduction to Instructional Leadership – Affinity Diagram Activity – Seminar Discussion Curriculum and Instruction – Professional Reading – Seminar Discussion Overview of Syllabus Closure & Homework Next class February 2
Community Building New Visions Introduce yourself to two classmates that you don’t know very well. Find something that you have in common.
Instructional Leadership Affinity Diagram: 1.Individually--list 3-4 qualities of “effective, instructional leaders” 2.Sort and combine these in your table group. 3.As a class, identify a common list
Instructional Leadership Review Slide from PACE study Discuss components of Instructional Leadership
Silent Shadowing of Principals Administrative Leader Instructional Leader Relationship Builder Management (CEO) budgets personnel teacher concerns non-instruc. staff school mtgs. networking self-improve. Operations (COO) compliance schedules facilities safe school discipline student services attendance testing supervising Day-to-Day Instruction coaching evaluating Sp. Ed. classroom observations required PD using data teaching students Instructional Program educational program curriculum assessment planning PD releasing teachers supplement. instruction Fostering Internal Relationships students parents staff activities counseling staff, students, parents Brokering (Building Support & Obtaining External Resources) local community fundraising resources fr. district office School Leadership Tasks
Curriculum and Philosophy The ways in which instructions leaders address the tasks are determined by a variety of factors, including district mandates. However, a solid grounding in issues of curriculum and instruction will help develop instructional leadership.
Curriculum and Philosophy Activity: Read one of the assigned articles Schiro, M. Introduction to the curriculum Iideologies Ornstein, A. Philosophy as a basis for curriculum decisions Class Discussion
Overview of Syllabus 1.Participation 2.Journal Reflections 3.Readings 4.Assignments
Homework for Feb. 2 Ch. 1 in textbook (Professional Learning Communities at Work) Journal # 1– Read and respond to one element (a-d) of the following prompt: – Which philosophical approach reflects your beliefs about (a) the school’s purpose, (b) what subjects are of value, (c ) how students learn, or (d) the process of teaching and learning.
Saturday Session: Saturday, February 6, 2010 – Instructional Leadership Location/Other Details – February 6, 2010 – Sweeney Hall, Room 100 – Other
Working Dinner Activity Discuss journal prompt for next week… which element will you address?
202 B – Research Prof. Noni M. Reis San Jose State University Spring, 2010
Agenda Overview of Syllabus Identify problems/topics of interest Entering into a scholarly conversation What is research?
Overview of Syllabus 1.Participation 2.Readings 3.Assignments
Identify problems – topics of interest Reflect on some areas of professional interest that might be possible topics and discuss with table group. Class discussion
What is Research Seminar Discussion – Qualitative – Quantitative
Homework Text – Galvan, Ch. 1 & 13