Lewis, Derek Contemporary Germany: A Handbook. London: Arnold, 312 pp. Germany at the Center of Europe Geography & Regions Unification and Aftermath Political Structures and the Federal System Economy Social Structures Education Communication / Media Social Issues Environmental Issues Language Berlin since 1989
Germany at the Center of Europe Historically, politically, geographically Foreign policies reflect a pro-Europe integrationism
Geography and Regions 3 rd largest country in Europe (after France and Spain) but most populous – 77 million! Länder industries, climates, histories
Federal Republic of Germany Grundgesetz 1948/49 by Parliamentary Council (&allies) Strong federalist structure Organs of government –Bundestag, Bundesrat, Federal President, Federal Government Legislative process --Gesetzgebung Legal system – Rechtsprechung Finance -- Finanzwesen
German Democratic Republic Formally estab by Soviet Union Economic & political stability in flux Best performing of all centrally planned econ Nach der Wende (after 1989/1990): Easterners migrate West & try to catch up financially Dilemmas around Stasi files and criminal trials
Easterners Reorienting their Language Many words no longer useful (Frauensonderaspirantin, Kulturobermann) New words (Umweltverträglichkeit, Sozialhilfe; anglicisms) Imbuing old words with new meanings (Gymnasium, Privatpatient) Uncertainty on greeting and sign-off language Unfamiliarity with certain registers, such as interview-speak
Other subGerman groups Foreigners violence against foreigners rose after unification Extremist groups have regional but not national political power
Useful even if simplified book Internet resources, maps, timeline, subject index, range of topics, balance of historical explanation and current events Lewis drives home “foreigner” ideology “only 11% of Turkish-Germans said they felt German!”