Croydon Libraries on the Web by Heather Kirby Croydon Libraries
What & how & why? A taster of Croydon’s experience
Croydon Online n What is Croydon Online? u The vision u Services & resources n How are we doing it? u Necessities u Approaches n Why do it & why in libraries?
What is Croydon Online? n Web Site is the hub of the Community Network n Providing: u Information and n Building: u New resources and new services n Encouraging: u Ownership and participation
Vision Croydon Online will become the first service which everyone living, working, studying in, or visiting Croydon, will use to: u find information; u Make contacts; u Do business; u Engage in learning; or u Develop hobbies.
Vision (cont.) n Croydon Online will be: u Updated daily u Interactive u Easy to use u Community-wide u Collaborative
Content & Services n INCH n Job Mart n Skillsboost Online n HUG n Community Information n Feedback n Consultations/surveys n Policy documents
Content & Services (cont.) n Library news n Book reviews n Archives Service…database n Museum & Heritage - collections, exhibitions, education…database n lists and contacts n Promotion
INCH Information Network for Croydon Health n Directory and contact information on Croydon Online n Unified, current, authoritative n Managed by a cross-sectoral group
Job Mart n A one stop shop on Croydon Online for employment opportunities in the local area n Highly Interactive, flexible and income generating
Housebound User Group u 14 members, aged 45 to 89 u Dial-up connection & equipment u Training and support u List; diary sheets, visits
HUG outcomes n New, enthusiastic users of IT; n exchanging URLs; n contacting politicians; n looking up the OPAC; n sending enquiries and requests by
A HUG quote: n You will never know how grateful I am for this opportunity to learn with patient teachers….One of my friends, a very clever lady, is still making a dog’s dinner of her s, so I am optimistic….
Skillsboost Online n Croydon’s first distance learning package n Online assessment & guidance n Basic Skills Agency
How are we doing it? n Consulting, talking, extending contacts…. n Demonstrating the product n Promoting the vision n Contacting again
Necessities n Vision for Croydon Online; Croydon Libraries; and for Croydon n Commitment from staff n Budget - something to start up n Knowledge and skills - not new for old but new and old
Approaches n Integration, e.g. with C.I. Database u Carers Contact Line u Age Concern directory n Simultaneous publication, e.g. consultation documents n Fill templates, e.g. voluntary organisations n Code from electronic copy n Type and code from hardcopy
Approaches (cont.) n Web-edit training for staff n Ftp login and shared building and updating of the resource n Extend this practice to contacts in other organisations, with caution n Continuously invite feedback on all aspects of the site
Why are we doing this? n Modernise information services n Respond efficiently to information & communication needs n Improve our efforts towards social inclusion n Extend provision of lifelong learning opportunities
Why (cont.) n Enable the sharing of information skills across sectors n Spread good practice n Build partnerships
Conclusion n The technology offers the opportunity to build a network for all interests & needs in the community n The public library, as a trusted, neutral organisation in the community, is best placed to do it.