Galveston Bay By Amanda Schaffer
Galveston Bay
A subtropical estuary located on the southeastern shore of the upper Texas Gulf Coast A subtropical estuary located on the southeastern shore of the upper Texas Gulf Coast Consists of Five Subbays Consists of Five Subbays –Trinity –Upper Galveston –Lower Galveston –East –West
More on Galveston Bay Consists of 384,000 acres Consists of 384,000 acres Surrounds 1,171 miles of shoreline Surrounds 1,171 miles of shoreline Fed by two major rivers Fed by two major rivers –Trinity –San Jacinto Bordered by Bordered by –Low-lying wetlands –Two barrier islands –Peninsula
Condition of the Estuary Overall quality is rated fair based on 4 indices Overall quality is rated fair based on 4 indices –Water Quality (poor) –Sediment Quality (fair to poor) –Benthic (fair) –Fish Tissue (good to fair)
Indices Indices
Water Quality
Conclusion Though overpopulated area, the esturary remains productive and healthly Though overpopulated area, the esturary remains productive and healthly Overall quality is fair Overall quality is fair Not threatened by eutrophication Not threatened by eutrophication Nutrient concentrations are decreasings in areas of the estruary Nutrient concentrations are decreasings in areas of the estruary Several aquatic species show stable trends in abundance Several aquatic species show stable trends in abundance
Conclusion cont… Galveston Bay isn’t degrading when it comes to increasing concentrations of pollutants, trends are mixed Galveston Bay isn’t degrading when it comes to increasing concentrations of pollutants, trends are mixed –Concentrations are decreasing in most polluted areas of Galveston Bay –Concentrations are rising in unpolluted areas
Future Focus of Galveston Bay Habitat conservation Habitat conservation Pollution control Pollution control –In expanding populated areas Land-use patterns trend to urbanization of the area Land-use patterns trend to urbanization of the area
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