Hurricane of Galveston By: Daniel Walsh
What is a Hurricane? "an intense tropical weather system with a well defined circulation and maximum sustained 74 mph winds or higher.In the Pacific, hurricanes are called typhoons." Have massive amounts of energy, with low pressure, and they form in oceans with warm water. Strong pressure gradients create strong convergence winds which push up start to go in a circular motion. The stronger the winds get the stronger the hurricane. They mostly for in August and September due to the water being very warm.
The Storm and its path Began off the coast of west Africa, then traveled into the caribbean, then into the Gulf of Mexico and hit Galveston. There was little warning due to poor meteorologists that could not predict the storm's path. It was a category 4 with 145 mph winds and had a 15 foot storm surge on the 10 foot high barrier island.
Aftermath of Galveston 8,000 people died, about 22% of the population died.There were mass graves to bury the bodies and others were thrown back in the ocean. Over 20 million dollars to repair the damage. To prevent another storm they built 10 foot high 10 mile long sea walls to stop another massive storm surge.
Economical Aftermath Major port of Texas and had many cotton fields. The storm ruined all of these jobs and sent the barrier island into debt. To this day the island is still trying to bounce back from this storm that ruined everything for the citizens.